你真的想创建一个新线程来监控你的新进程。正如您所发现的,仅对 UI 和监视子进程使用一个线程会使 UI 在子进程运行时似乎挂起。
这是一些假设存在 log4j 记录器的示例代码,我认为这将说明一种可能的方法......
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
String[] command = { "myShellCommand", "firstArgument" };
try {
boolean done = false;
int exitValue = 0;
Process proc = runtime.exec(command);
while (!done) {
try {
exitValue = proc.exitValue();
done = true;
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
// This exception will be thrown only if the process is still running
// because exitValue() will not be a valid method call yet...
logger.info("Process is still running...")
if (exitValue != 0) {
// Child process exited with non-zero exit code - do something about failure.
logger.info("Deletion failure - exit code " + exitValue);
} catch (IOException e) {
// An exception thrown by runtime.exec() which would mean myShellCommand was not
// found in the path or something like that...
logger.info("Deletion failure - error: " + e.getMessage());
// If no errors were caught above, the child is now finished with a zero exit code
// Move on happily