我认为解决这个问题的方法是首先以明确的形式获取字符(在两个文件中)。然后遍历映射文件,将每个明确的字符添加到具有其所述值的哈希中。最后,循环遍历明确的样本字符(明确字符的长度为 16),将每个字符替换为其哈希值。如果示例文件包含 ASCII 字符(即其明确形式的长度不是 16),这可能会被破坏。您可能需要根据您的输入来解决此问题,但如果您的示例文本指示您的实际文件,那么您应该没有任何问题。如果结果不符合您的预期,请告诉我。
./translate.pl CharMap.txt sample.txt
use strict;
use warnings;
# open the files up for reading.
# ARGV[0] points to the first file listed, 'CharMap.txt'
# ARGV[1] points to the second file listed, 'sample.txt'
open CHARMAP, $ARGV[0] or die;
open SAMPLE, $ARGV[1] or die;
# execute `sed -n 'l0'` on each file and capture output into two arrays
# the '-n' flag suppresses printing of pattern space
# the 'l0' command simply means print the pattern space in an unambiguous form
my @charmap = `sed -n 'l0' $ARGV[0]`;
my @sample = `sed -n 'l0' $ARGV[1]`;
# declare a hash
my %charhash;
# loop through the array of character mappings
for (@charmap) {
# use a subroutine to sanitize each element
$_ = sanitize($_);
# add each unambiguous character to a hash with its mapping pair
$charhash{ substr $_, 2 } = substr $_, 0, 1;
# now loop through the unambiguous sample data
# in your sample file there is only a single element so the loop is unnecessary
for (@sample) {
# use a subroutine to sanitize each element
$_ = sanitize($_);
# so each unambiguous character is 16 readable characters longs.
# so we need to loop through 16 chars at a time. These can be stored in $1.
# then we ask the hash 'what is the value of the element $1?
# we then print this value.
print $charhash{$1} while $_ =~ /(.{16})/g;
# print a newline char to replace the chomped input
print "\n";
close CHARMAP;
close SAMPLE;
sub sanitize {
# read in the element passed to the subroutine
my $line = shift;
# remove newline endings
chomp $line;
# for some reason your files contained this transparent 12 digit unreadable
# unambiguous character right at the start of the two files. I do not know
# what it is or what it looks like, but for convenience, I simply remove it
# from every line, even if I only found on the first line.
$line =~ s/^\\357\\273\\277//;
# trim off a trailing line ending
$line =~ s/\$$//;
# trim off a trailing newline ending
$line =~ s/\\r$//;
return $line;
更多信息可以sed l0
在sed 手册中找到