这很奇怪,因为 logcat 显示数据正在处理到 for 循环和函数中,但是到达时间时警报并没有响起。
public class AlarmsService extends Service {
DatabaseSqlite db = new DatabaseSqlite(this);
List<Alerts> listAlerts;
PendingIntent sender;
Intent intent;
AlarmManager am;
int id;
private int intHour=0;
private int intMin=0;
private int intDay=0;
private int intMonth=0;
private int intYear=0;
String alertInMills;
String alertDuration;
String eventName ;
int eventState;
private String sAlertInMillis;
String tag = "alerttService";
public void onCreate() {
Toast.makeText(this, "Created from Alerts service ...",
Log.i(tag, "Service created...");
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
Log.d("TAG", "started onstart command Created from Alerts service .");
return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);// START_STICKY;
public void onStart(final Intent intent, int startId) {
super.onStart(intent, startId);
Toast.makeText(this, "Created service started...",
Log.i(tag, "Service started...");
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("SERVICE -----start thread");
Boolean x = true;
while (x) {
listAlerts = db.getAlertsforService();
int alerts=listAlerts.size();
for (int i = 0; i < alerts; i++) {
Alerts item = listAlerts.get(i);
id =item.getRowId();
alertInMills = item.getAlertTime();
alertDuration = item.getAlertMinutes();
eventName = item.getEventName();
System.out.println("SERVICE ----eventName from service "+ eventName);
System.out.println("SERVICE ----id from service "+ id);
System.out.println("SERVICE ----alertDuration from service "+ alertDuration);
System.out.println("SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills "+ alertInMills);
System.out.println("SERVICE ---- eventState from service "+ eventState);
x = false;
public void resetAlarm(String getAlertInMillisFromDB,
String getAlertInMinutesFromDB) {
// extract the military time from the UTC format
String alertsMilitaryTime = formatUpdateAlertToMilitaryTime(getAlertInMillisFromDB);
// find the hour and minute
// extract date from the UTC format
int intHour = getHour();
int intMin = getMin();
int intDay = getDay();
int intMonth = getMonth();
int intYear = getYear();
String alertStringInMills = getStringAlertInMillis();
System.out.println("SERVICE --- resetAlarm");
System.out.println("SERVICE --- year "+intYear);
System.out.println("SERVICE --- month "+intMonth);
System.out.println("SERVICE --- day "+intDay);
System.out.println("SERVICE --- hour "+intHour);
System.out.println("SERVICE --- min "+intMin);
updateAlert(id, eventName, getAlertInMinutesFromDB,
getAlertInMillisFromDB, intYear, intMonth, intDay, intHour,
public void updateAlert(int id, String name,
final String minutes,
final String alertTime, int intYear, int intMonth, int intDay,
int intHour, int intMin) {
Intent osa = new Intent(AlarmsService.this.getApplicationContext(), OneShotAlarm.class);
String idStringFormat=""+id+"";
String warning="In "+ minutes +" Minutes";
osa.putExtra("name", name);
osa.putExtra("text", warning);
osa.putExtra("id", idStringFormat);
sender = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(AlarmsService.this.getApplicationContext(), id, osa, 0);
am = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println( "SERVICE --- current time in millis" +calendar.getTimeInMillis());
TimeZone timeZone = calendar.getTimeZone();
calendar.set(intYear, intMonth, intDay, intHour, intMin, 0);
System.out.println( "SERVICE --- Alert time in millis" +calendar.getTimeInMillis());
am.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), sender);
package com.google.android.gcm.demo.app.Alerts;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.util.Log;
public class AlarmsBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = "BootReceiver";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED))
// if (intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED")) {
Intent startServiceIntent = new Intent(context, AlarmsService.class);
Log.d("TAG", "TestBroadcastReceiver");
System.out.println( "test broadcast reciver...");
09-16 14:29:10.270: D/Exchange(263): BootReceiver onReceive
09-16 14:29:10.280: D/EAS SyncManager(263): !!! EAS SyncManager, onCreate
09-16 14:29:10.381: D/EAS SyncManager(263): !!! EAS SyncManager, onStartCommand
09-16 14:29:10.410: D/EAS SyncManager(263): !!! EAS SyncManager, stopping self
09-16 14:29:10.510: D/dalvikvm(203): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 4559 objects / 383904 bytes in 66ms
09-16 14:29:10.551: I/CheckinService(203): Preparing to send checkin request
09-16 14:29:10.574: D/Eas Debug(263): Logging:
09-16 14:29:10.580: D/EAS SyncManager(263): !!! EAS SyncManager, onDestroy
09-16 14:29:10.641: I/EventLogService(203): Accumulating logs since 1347819701556
09-16 14:29:11.040: D/dalvikvm(116): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 3626 objects / 202712 bytes in 83ms
09-16 14:29:11.350: I/ActivityManager(58): Start proc com.android.alarmclock for broadcast com.android.alarmclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=277 uid=10035 gids={}
09-16 14:29:11.390: D/MediaScannerService(224): start scanning volume internal
09-16 14:29:11.760: I/ActivityThread(277): Publishing provider com.android.alarmclock: com.android.alarmclock.AlarmProvider
09-16 14:29:11.900: I/ActivityManager(58): Start proc com.google.android.gcm.demo.app for broadcast com.google.android.gcm.demo.app/.Alerts.AlarmsBroadcastReceiver: pid=285 uid=10040 gids={3003, 1015}
09-16 14:29:12.200: D/TAG(285): TestBroadcastReceiver
09-16 14:29:12.200: I/System.out(285): test broadcast reciver...
09-16 14:29:12.280: I/alerttService(285): Service created...
09-16 14:29:12.280: D/TAG(285): started onstart command Created from Alerts service .
09-16 14:29:12.300: I/alerttService(285): Service started...
09-16 14:29:12.330: I/System.out(285): SERVICE -----start thread
09-16 14:29:12.480: I/System.out(285): database opened android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase@44f27188
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): database closed
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----eventName from service Super GALS 1-4
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----id from service 1
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alertDuration from service 30
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills 2012-09-16T08:30:00.000-04:00
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ---- eventState from service 0
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- resetAlarm
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- year 2012
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- month 9
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- day 16
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- hour 8
09-16 14:29:12.510: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- min 30
09-16 14:29:12.560: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- current time in millis1347820152568
09-16 14:29:12.630: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- Alert time in millis1350390600000
09-16 14:29:12.630: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----eventName from service Super GALS 1-4
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----id from service 2
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alertDuration from service 20
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills 2012-09-16T08:40:00.000-04:00
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ---- eventState from service 0
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- resetAlarm
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- year 2012
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- month 9
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- day 16
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- hour 8
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- min 40
09-16 14:29:12.640: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- current time in millis1347820152650
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- Alert time in millis1350391200000
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----eventName from service Teeny Witches
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----id from service 3
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alertDuration from service 30
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills 2012-09-16T02:36:00.000-04:00
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ---- eventState from service 0
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- resetAlarm
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- year 2012
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- month 9
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- day 16
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- hour 2
09-16 14:29:12.650: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- min 36
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- current time in millis1347820152662
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- Alert time in millis1350369360000
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----eventName from service Parents and Anime
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----id from service 4
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alertDuration from service 10
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills 2012-09-16T01:50:00.000-04:00
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ---- eventState from service 0
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- resetAlarm
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- year 2012
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- month 9
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- day 16
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- hour 1
09-16 14:29:12.661: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- min 50
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- current time in millis1347820152673
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- Alert time in millis1350366600000
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----eventName from service Mobile Suit Gundam Movie 1
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----id from service 5
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alertDuration from service 50
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills 2012-09-16T14:10:00.000-04:00
09-16 14:29:12.670: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ---- eventState from service 0
09-16 14:29:12.696: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- resetAlarm
09-16 14:29:12.696: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- year 2012
09-16 14:29:12.696: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- month 9
09-16 14:29:12.696: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- day 16
09-16 14:29:12.696: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- hour 14
09-16 14:29:12.696: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- min 10
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- current time in millis1347820152704
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- Alert time in millis1350411000000
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----eventName from service To Love Ru 1-4
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----id from service 6
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alertDuration from service 10
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ----alert UTC Time from alertInMills 2012-09-16T14:50:00.000-04:00
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE ---- eventState from service 0
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- resetAlarm
09-16 14:29:12.700: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- year 2012
09-16 14:29:12.710: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- month 9
09-16 14:29:12.710: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- day 16
09-16 14:29:12.710: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- hour 14
09-16 14:29:12.710: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- min 50
09-16 14:29:12.710: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- current time in millis1347820152717
09-16 14:29:12.710: I/System.out(285): SERVICE --- Alert time in millis1350413400000