我知道有关 Obj C 块编程的高级概念。但是,我对 Obj C 代码中的块编程几乎没有疑问。块编程的几个概念如下所述,所以我对每个概念的问题也如下:

  1. 它支持异步操作: 问:请问,这是什么意思?块代码支持什么样的异步操作?

  2. 块代码独立于其他代码工作(执行): 问:这是否意味着它在不同的线程中运行?无论其他代码同时执行,此代码是否都会执行?

  3. Q:块枚举是什么意思?



1 回答 1





typedef void (^BlockAlertViewCompletion)(UIAlertView* alert, NSInteger clickedButton);

@interface BlockAlertView : UIAlertView <UIAlertViewDelegate>
@property(nonatomic, copy) BlockAlertViewCompletion completionBlock;

@implementation BlockAlertView
@synthesize completionBlock = _completionBlock;
  // Store the block for latter use
  self.completionBlock = completion;
  self.delegate = self; // Make ourselves as the delegate of UIAlertView
  [self show];

// Then much later, the delegate method will be called ASYNCHRONOUSLY
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView*)alert clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
  // Then call the block here to signal the called a button has been clicked
  self.completionBlock(alert, buttonIndex);

-(void)dealloc { [_completionBlock release]; [super dealloc]; }

// Usage:
BlockAlertView* alert = [[[BlockAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Hello" message:@"Hello World!" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Hi yourself" otherButtonTitles:@"I'm not very polite",nil];
// This will show the alert immediately (will call [alert show] eventually)
[alert showWithCompletion:^(UIAlertView* alert, NSInteger btnIndex)
     // But this code in the block will only be called when the delegate method
     // of UIAlertView will be triggered, so this code will be executed asynchronously / later, and not right away
     NSLog(@"Button %d clicked", btnIndex);
// So after the alert view has been shown on screen, the rest of the code below will continue executing
NSLog(@"The alert view has been shown on the screen, but the completionBlock passed a the parameter to showWithCompletion: has not been executed yet and will only execute when the delegate method is called");
[alert release];


// Declare some block
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ NSLog(@"Hello world"); };
// Execute it right away
block(); // this executes the same way that is you have wrote the NSLog here, so this is not concurrent with the rest of the code.

但是使用 GCD,您可以在独立线程上将块添加到 GCD 队列并要求该线程执行该块。从这个意义上说,块中声明的代码独立于应用程序的其余部分执行

dispatch_block_t block = ^{  NSLog(@"Hello world"); };
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
// Execute the block on a secondary queue, in parallel with the current code. This is concurrent execution, the block will execute independently to the rest of the code.
dispatch_async(queue, block);


  int a = 5;
  int b = 12;
  // Create a block. It will capture the values of a and b at that time
  dispatch_block_t block = ^{ NSLog(@"a*b = %d", a*b); };
  // Even if you change the values of a and b later…
  a = 7;
  b = 25;
  // when you execute the block here, it won't be affected by the fact that a and b have changed
  [self testBlock:block]; // Will log a*b = 60
  // And the block can be executed here and print the value of a*b, even if a and b
  // Are out of scope and not accessible in this testBlock method.


于 2012-09-16T15:44:04.200 回答