我创建了一个字典并使用 json 将其保存到一个文件中。该代码需要输入并定期更新字典,但不幸的是我无法正确编写字典。以下是我编写的代码。看看这里:
import os, sys, pickle, re, json
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser("Store Daily Intakes \n python [Options] <-h help>")
parser.add_option("-n", "--ndays", dest="ndays", action="store", type="int", help="Input the day")
parser.add_option("-m", "--morning", dest="morning", action="store", type="string", help="Input the morning intake format <Banana-1pc,Bread-1pc,CottageChees-2tbs>")
parser.add_option("-l", "--lunch", dest="lunch", action="store", type="string", help="Input the Lunch intake format <Rice-2tbs,Roti-1pc,ChickenCurry-2tbs,Dal-2tbs>")
parser.add_option("-a", "--afternoon", dest="afternoon", action="store", type="string", help="Input the afternoon intake format <Cornflakes-2tbs,Banana-1pc>")
parser.add_option("-d", "--dinner", dest="dinner", action="store", type="string", help="Input the dinner intake format <Pasta-20gms, Cheese-2slice>")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.ndays is None or options.morning is None or options.lunch is None or options.afternoon is None or options.dinner is None :
print parser.print_help()
if os.path.isfile("./DailyInTakeFile.json") is True :
jout = file('./DailyInTakeFile.json','r') # read mode
CurDct = json.load(jout)
print CurDct
DailyInTake = dict()
DailyInTake["%d" % options.ndays] = {}
din = DailyInTake["%s" % options.ndays]
din['Morning'] = options.morning
din['Lunch'] = options.lunch
din['Afternoon'] = options.afternoon
din['Dinner'] = options.dinner
saved = sys.stdout
ofile = file('DailyInTakeFile.json', 'a') # append mode
for idx in CurDct.keys() :
if int(idx) == options.ndays :
print idx, options.ndays
print "The Intake for day # %d exists" %options.ndays
print "Are you sure you want to overwrite: Type [yes/no]"
if "yes" in lett :
CurDct[idx]['Morning'] = options.morning
CurDct[idx]['Lunch'] = options.lunch
CurDct[idx]['Afternoon'] = options.afternoon
CurDct[idx]['Dinner'] = options.dinner
sys.exit("Exiting after updating day # %d" % options.ndays)
else :
sys.exit("Exiting without update")
else :
sys.stdout = ofile
print json.dumps(DailyInTake)
print ","
sys.stdout = saved
else :
DailyInTake = dict()
DailyInTake["%d" % options.ndays] = {}
din = DailyInTake["%s" % options.ndays]
din['Morning'] = options.morning
din['Lunch'] = options.lunch
din['Afternoon'] = options.afternoon
din['Dinner'] = options.dinner
#print DailyInTake
saved = sys.stdout
ofile = file('DailyInTakeFile.json', 'a') # append mode
sys.stdout = ofile
print json.dumps(DailyInTake)
print ","
sys.stdout = saved
from datetime import date, timedelta
from subprocess import call
call("cp DailyInTakeFile.json DailyInTakeFile.json.%s" % str(date.today()), shell=True)
此代码的输出 json 文件例如如下:
{"1": {"Lunch": "l3", "Dinner": "d3", "Afternoon": "a3", "Morning": "m3"}}
{"2": {"Lunch": "l3", "Dinner": "d3", "Afternoon": "a3", "Morning": "m3"}}
saved = sys.stdout
for idx in CurDct.keys() :
if int(idx) == options.ndays :
print idx, options.ndays
print "The Intake for day # %d exists" %options.ndays
print "Are you sure you want to overwrite: Type [yes/no]"
if "yes" in lett :
ofile = file('DailyInTakeFile.json', 'w') # write mode
sys.stdout = ofile
print json.dumps(CurDct)
sys.stdout = saved
sys.exit("Exiting after updating day # %d" % options.ndays)
else :
sys.exit("Exiting without update")
else :
ofile = file('DailyInTakeFile.json', 'w') # write mode
sys.stdout = ofile
print json.dumps(CurDct)
sys.stdout = saved