I am a new user of eclipse indigo RS2 under win 7 32 bit I would like to execute a small program in C or C++ (Hello World).
I installed the CDT, MinGW, MSYS-1.0.11
I set the PATH variable (
)I defined this variable in window→preferences→C\C++→Build→environment.
I create a new project file→new→C + + Project→exucutable→hello world Project.
.. gold -> Makefile Project -> hello world project." builde when the system gives me the following error:
syntax error hello_world line 7, external location: c: \ mingw \ mingw32 \ bin \ ld.exe: c: \ mingw \ lib \ gcc \ mingw32 \ 4.6.2 \ crtend.o C / C + + Problem "
if I execute the program it gives me
launch failed. binary not found