My application has been using the checkins/recent endpoint to show where all the current users friends are currently at and I had included a button the user could press to comment on a checkin. The button used to have the comment count on it until recently.

It seems the checkins/recent endpoint no longer returns comments or even a comment count for those checkins. I would have to query each checkin in order to get the comment count which adds to the data usage not to mention API usage counts.

Is there another way to do this that I'm not seeing? Could you please at least put the comment count back? You have the photo information, why not comments?


EDIT: Sorry, I found an old post in the google groups where I kinda asked the same thing, so I'm mistaken, comment counts were never returned before, but like I mentioned last time, it would be nice if at least the count was returned so it can be used in our apps in the manner mentioned above without another api call for each checkin.


1 回答 1


checkins/recent 端点不返回评论计数。您必须单独查询每个签到以获取评论数据。

于 2012-09-26T14:58:55.610 回答