以下是建议的方法。我没有做任何测试,也没有编译这个代码段,但它是一个开始的地方。我正在做的一件事是每次调整数组大小时,将套接字句柄数组增加 16 个块。我这样做是因为它可以使内存管理器的工作更容易一些,并通过减少对malloc()
int nr_con = 0; // we start off with no connections
int block_con = 16; // number of blocks to allocate each time we increase the array
SOCKET *conexiuni = malloc ((nr_con + block_con) * sizeof(SOCKET));
while(1) {
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "Ajung la mama %d", nr_con);
// wait for a connection request to come in. if it does, log the request
// then create a thread to handle the request providing the socket to the thread.
// we are keeping an array of the sockets that is dynamically increased so
// we will allocate blocks of 16 at a time as we lengthen the array.
if ((conexiuni[nr_con] = accept (hsock, (sockaddr*)(&sadr), &addr_size)) != -1)
if (block_con < 1) {
// so lets add another block to our array by allocating the memory
// then copying the current array to the new memory area then freeing
// the old memory area which is no longer needed.
block_con = 16;
SOCKET *pTemp = malloc(nr_con + block_con) * sizeof(SOCKET));
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "Ajung la eliberare %d", nr_con);
memcpy (pTemp, conexiuni, (sizeof(SOCKET) * (nr_con + 1)));
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "Ajung la eliberare %d", nr_con);
free (conexiuni);
conexiuni = pTemp;
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "Primesc de la %s", inet_ntoa(sadr.sin_addr));
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "kkt %d", conexiuni[nr_con]);
SOCKET *sz = conexiumi + nr_con;
syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "after %d", *sz);
// start the thread which is to service this connection request.
pthread_create (&tidi, 0, &ConexiuniHandler, sz);
首先,在上面的示例中,由于无法提供内存请求,我没有处理内存不足错误应该返回 NULL 指针。
而不是使用 int,你真的应该使用 SOCKET,因为它是实际的数据类型。我意识到在大多数情况下,SOCKET 实际上是一个 int,但是在这些问题上通常最好是精确的。