I'm just taking my first steps with the package parallel
and the foreach()
function. therefore this question will be rather stupid. so here's my task i want to fullfil:
- apply function to an object
- use the outcome in the next iteration
a simple example would be:
test[i+1] <<- sqrt(test[i])
test <- c(1,rep(NA, 10))
foreach(i=1:11, .combine='rbind', .export='test')%do% newFunc()
this yields me a vector of ones as a for-loop would of course as well. however, if i try parallelise this this yields a different outcome:
test <- c(1,rep(NA, 10))
cl <- makeCluster(4)
foreach(i=1:11, .combine='rbind', .export='test')%dopar% newFunc()
this leaves me with the output c(1, NA, NA, NA, NA, ..., NA)
. I guess this is because the slaves don't know the result of other functions? I hope I supplied the necessary information. My actual function is of course more complex, yet this example seemed the easiest way do demonstrate my problem.
edit: I guess the first question is: can such a problem be parallelised at all?