我实际上有2个问题。1)我看到这些数千个体素的渲染,但使用八叉树我仍然只能在屏幕上获得大约 500 个体素。

import warnings,sys

class storedItem():
def __init__(self,coord,data):
    self.coord = coord
    self.data = data
    self.node = None
def remove(self):
    self.node = None

class Node():
    def __init__(self,parent,lower,upper):
    self.parent = parent
    self.children = []
    self.lowerbound = lower
    self.upperbound = upper

def setVolume(self):
    dx = self.upperbound[0] - self.lowerbound[0]
    dy = self.upperbound[1] - self.lowerbound[1]
    dz = self.upperbound[2] - self.lowerbound[2]
    self.volume = dx*dy*dz

def inbound(self,coord):
    if self.lowerbound[0] <= coord[0] and self.lowerbound[1] <= coord[1] and self.lowerbound[2] <= coord[2]:
        if self.upperbound[0] >= coord[0] and self.upperbound[1] >= coord[1] and self.upperbound[2] >= coord[2]:
            return True
    return False

def returnValueOrChildnode(self,coord):
    if not self.inbound(coord):
        return self.parent
    for child in self.children:
        if child.__class__ == Node:
            if child.inbound(coord):
                return child
        elif child.__class__ == storedItem:
            if child.coord == coord:
                return child
    return None

def deleteOrReturnChildNode(self,coord):
    if not self.inbound(coord):
        return self.parent
    for child in self.children:
        if child.__class__ == Node:
            if child.inbound(coord):
                return child
        elif child.__class__ == storedItem:
            if child.coord == coord:
                return True
    return None

def insertStoredItem(self,item):
    if len(self.children) < 8:
        item.node = self
        return True

    if len(self.children) == 8:
        for child in self.children:
            if child.__class__ == Node:
                if child.inbound(item.coord):
                    return child.insertStoredItem(item)
            elif item.coord == child.coord:
                warnings.warn('Already an item at this location, replacing it')


def breakupIntoChildren(self):
    #if self.volume == 8:
    #   raise Exception("Node full. Cannot add to this node")
    nodes = []
    delta = (self.upperbound[0] - self.lowerbound[0] +1)/2
    x1,x2,x3 = (self.lowerbound[0],self.lowerbound[0]+delta -1,self.upperbound[0])
    y1,y2,y3 = (self.lowerbound[1],self.lowerbound[1]+delta -1,self.upperbound[1])
    z1,z2,z3 = (self.lowerbound[2],self.lowerbound[2]+delta -1,self.upperbound[2])

    nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y1,z1),(x3,y2,z2)))
    nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y1,z2 +1),(x2,y2,z3)))
    nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y1,z2 + 1),(x3,y2,z3)))
    nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y2 + 1,z1),(x2,y3,z2)))
    nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y2 + 1,z1),(x3,y3,z2)))
    nodes.append(Node(self,(x1,y2 + 1,z2 + 1),(x2,y3,z3)))
    nodes.append(Node(self,(x2 + 1,y2 + 1,z2 + 1),(x3,y3,z3)))

    while self.children:
        child = self.children[0]
        for node in nodes:
            if node.inbound(child.coord):

    self.children = nodes

class Octree():
def __init__(self,size,maxsearch=1000):
    if size % 2:
        raise Exception("Size must be multiple of 2")
    self.root = Node(None, (0,0,0),(size,size,size))
    self.size = size

def search(self,coord):
    searching = True
    node = self.root
    count = 0
    while searching:
        result = node.returnValueOrChildnode(coord)
        if result is None:
            searching = False
        elif result.__class__ == storedItem:
            result = result.data
            searching = False
        elif result.__class__ == Node:
            node = result
        count += 1
        if count > self.maxsearch: #just incase something goes wrong
            result = None
            raise Exception("Max Search depth limit reached")

    return result

def insert(self,coord,data):
    if not self.root.inbound(coord):
        print coord, self.size, self.root.upperbound, self.root.lowerbound
        raise Exception("Coordinate outside scope of octree")

    item = storedItem(coord,data)

def remove(self,coord):
    searching = True
    node = self.root
    count = 0
    while searching:
        result = node.deleteOrReturnChildNode(coord)
        if result is True:
            searching = False
            return True
        elif result is None:
            searching = False
        elif result.__class__ == Node:
            node = result
        count += 1
        if count > self.maxsearch: #just incase something goes wrong
            result = None
            raise Exception("Max Search depth limit reached")

    return result
def trace(frame, event, arg):
    print "%s, %s:%d" % (event, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)
    return trace


class Cube(object):

def __init__(self, position, color,tree):

    self.position = position
    self.x = position[0]
    self.y = position[1]
    self.z = position[2]
    self.color = color
    self.tree = tree

num_faces = 6

vertices = [ (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
             (1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
             (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
             (0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
             (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
             (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
             (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
             (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ]

normals = [ (0.0, 0.0, +1.0),  # front
            (0.0, 0.0, -1.0),  # back
            (+1.0, 0.0, 0.0),  # right
            (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),  # left 
            (0.0, +1.0, 0.0),  # top
            (0.0, -1.0, 0.0) ] # bottom

vertex_indices = [ (0, 1, 2, 3),  # front
                   (4, 5, 6, 7),  # back
                   (1, 5, 6, 2),  # right
                   (0, 4, 7, 3),  # left
                   (3, 2, 6, 7),  # top
                   (0, 1, 5, 4) ] # bottom    

def render(self):                

    glColor( self.color )

    # Adjust all the vertices so that the cube is at self.position
    vertices = [tuple(Vector3(v) + self.position) for v in self.vertices]

    # Draw all 6 faces of the cube

    for face_no in xrange(self.num_faces):

        glNormal3dv( self.normals[face_no] )

        v1, v2, v3, v4 = self.vertex_indices[face_no]

        glVertex( vertices[v1] )
        glVertex( vertices[v2] )
        glVertex( vertices[v3] )
        glVertex( vertices[v4] )            

def getneighbors(self):
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z
    return ((x,y,z+1),(x+1,y,z),(x,y+1,z),(x-1,y,z),(x,y-1,z),(x,y,z-1))

def checkneighbors(self):
    if not self.tree:
        return True
    positions = self.getneighbors()
    for pos in positions:
        result = self.tree.search(pos)
        if not result:
            return True
    return False

使用此代码,我可以获得大约 30FPS。我认为屏幕上大约有 62,210 个方格。我通常得到大约 30-40 FPS(这还不错。)


1 回答 1


我要说的第一件事是:不要使用对象来表示立方体。这听起来是正确的做法,但我认为迭代数百万个对象并在每个对象上执行方法不会在 python 上执行得过大。

我建议使用 3d Numpy 数组来存储它(voxel[x][y][z] = color)。那将是内存消耗的改善。你可以在这里获得更多信息

在你这样做并重写你的算法以使用一个数组而不是许多对象之后,你需要意识到的下一件事是你不需要渲染你拥有的每个体素。您只需要渲染那些可见的。这意味着向 GPU 推送的多边形要少得多。

想想看……如果你有一个 10x10x10 体素的立方体,现在你正在写 6000 个四边形。如果您将立方体增加到 100x100x100 体素,您将编写 6000000 个四边形。这很快就会失控。

您只需要推送那些对用户可见的体素。在 10x10x10 体素的情况下,您只需要推动“外部”体素。那是 486 个体素 (9x9x6),如果你写下每个体素的每个面,这意味着 2916 个四边形。对于 100x100x100 的情况,您只需要 58806 个体素(99x99x6),即 352836 个四边形(这是您在第一种情况下编写的四边形数量的 6%)。其余的体素隐藏在外部体素后面。


于 2014-03-30T19:14:43.567 回答