我正在尝试使用node-facebook-sdk使用 Node.JS 进行 FB 图形 API 调用
我想从所有用户朋友那里获取提要数据。FB 图形 API 每个批处理请求只允许 50 个朋友,所以我正在进行一系列批处理 FB.api() 调用。
我试图将 FB.api() 调用存储在一个数组中,然后使用 jQuery when() 调用延迟函数。
1)我传递给 .done() 函数的函数过早执行。2)console.log(feed)在.done()之后执行,据我所知,这不应该发生。
$ = require('jQuery');
//maximum batch size request is 50. use 2-D array to store in buckets of 50 friends each.
var numFriends = friends.data.length;
var batch = [];
var deferred = [];//array to hold all the requests
var feed_dump = [];//where we collect all the feed data
//initialize a bucket for each set of 50 friends
for (var i = 0, ii = numFriends / 50; i < ii; i++) {batch.push([]);}
//put corresponding requests in in buckets.
for (var i = 0; i < numFriends; i++) {
batch[Math.floor(i/50)].push({ method: 'get', relative_url: friends.data[i].id + '/feed?since=' + '-1 month'});//not sure if the date format will work user.last_updated
//make the multiquery request for each bucket
for (var i in batch) {
var bucket = batch[i];
//nested FB api call
deferred.push(FB.api('', 'post', {'batch' : bucket}, function(res){//res = array 50 friend feeds
if (!res || res.error) {
console.log(!res ? 'error occurred' : res.error); return;
for (var j in res) {
var feed = JSON.parse(res[j].body);
feed_dump.push(feed);//feed for each friend appeneded to dump
console.log('this should show up before graph api requests are made.');
//jQuery when() function.
$.when.apply(null, deferred).done(function() {
console.log('hopefully feed_dump has been updated...');
如何正确推迟批处理 FB.api() 请求?另外,如果有人能想到更好的方法,请告诉我;我对异步 javascript 没有那么丰富的经验。