We have built a mobile app that allows the user to do something on our website by scanning a QR code. In order to do this, the user has to perform the physical act of scanning the QR code shown on our website with his mobile phone using our mobile app. The user of our mobile app has connected it to his Facebook account.

We have created an Open Graph action that is called after the user scans the QR code, so that he can show off to his friends that he just did something on our website. We have submitted this Open Graph action several times to Facebook. Sometimes it would be denied ("Changes needed") suggesting that we are calling the Open Graph action automatically through our application, without having the user do something, which is not true. At other times our application would just sit there (once for over a week), so we would cancel it and resubmit. At each time we resubmitted, we worked on the description of the application, so that it would be more clear to the person who would review it.

Unfortunately, it got rejected again.

Now we have resubmitted the application, including a link to a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOUjtqp9W20

We don't know how to make it even clearer. I hope that someone from Facebook could help us out here or at least explain why our application gets rejected all the time. We're not doing anything automatically. The Open Graph action will be called ONLY when the user performs a physical act of scanning the QR code.

App ID: 391528964237936 Open Graph action ID: 413103948747104

I would appreciate any help!


1 回答 1




仅当用户执行扫描 QR 码的物理行为时,才会调用 Open Graph 操作。


我怀疑,如果它对用户来说足够清楚,仅仅扫描二维码就已经触发在 Facebook 上发布一个动作。

仅扫描二维码的行为是否可以被视为同意在 Facebook 上发布内容?扫描是否明确表达了用户分享某些东西的意愿?


在首先获得用户的明确同意后可能就可以了——这是一个非常明确且绝不会被误解的选择加入该功能。但我在你的视频中没有看到类似的东西;它只是说需要扫描代码才能登录到您的应用程序 - 没有提到任何内容已经通过这样做发布。





于 2012-09-17T09:11:36.850 回答