一张表有 15000 行,空间使用情况如下:

Type     |   Usage
Data     |   437.4 KiB
Index    |   157.0 KiB
Overhead |   7,000 B (this is in red)
Effective|   587.6 KiB
Total    |   594.4 KiB

当我单击优化表时,它会在大约 10 分钟后显示读取超时。有什么想法可以摆脱这种困境吗?


The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: Myaddress/phpmyadmin/sql.php?

Read Timeout

The system returned: [No Error]

A Timeout occurred while waiting to read data from the network. The network or server may be down or congested. Please retry your request.

1 回答 1


我必须做的不是使用像 PHPMYADMIN 这样的 Web 界面,而是我必须下载MySQL Workbench并在查询中使用这些命令行:

use databasename;
check table tablename;
repair table tablename;
optimize table tablename;

于 2012-09-14T18:48:15.570 回答