I am trying to run an installer using the MSI command line option so that I can run it in debug mode and see the logs.

The logs that I am getting are quite large (near to 1 MB) and they are full of the following messages:

MSI (s) (F8:5C) [16:26:27:385]: Note: 1: 2360

I want to know if this is something to worry about? I have looked up the error code 2360 at Windows Installer Error Messages page on msdn and all it says that

Progress tick.

Is there something that I need to change in my installer?

I have recently added a CustomAction that makes use of System.Xml namespace. Could this be a cause?


3 回答 3



您收到“注 1:2360”的原因是计算机正在写入。写需要很长时间,这就是为什么有这么多。看看 2360 之前的 4 行。它会是这样的

Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=somename,...)
File: <filepath>filename;  To be installed;   won't patch;    No existing file
Source for file 'bunch of letters and numbers' is compressed
Note: 1: 2318 2: <filepath>filename
Note: 1: 2360
Note: 1: 2360

它尝试对现有文件进行 FileCopy。发现不存在。标识源文件。抛出新文件的错误代码 2318,因为它还不存在(2318 表示文件不存在)。然后它开始写入并通过打印出“Note: 1: 2360”来告诉你它在做什么。


于 2015-01-07T15:35:09.740 回答

这不应该是因为 Xml 命名空间。请在命令提示符下运行此命令并提供错误详细信息

msiexec /i "Path to msi" /l*v log.log

一旦出现错误,您可以使用WiLogUtl读取日志文件。该工具随 Windows SDK 提供。该报告还将帮助您获得准确的错误位置

于 2012-09-15T18:36:39.570 回答

I have found some information in the comments to article posted here

> Most times these "Note:" entires are just for information but sometimes they are precursors to other errors.

posted by

Robert Flaming Windows Installer Program Manager 1

I hope the messages that I am getting are in fact just for information.

于 2012-09-14T16:11:28.073 回答