Does anyone know what could be causing this error? I'm trying to convert a MySQL site to Postgres so I can host on Heroku. I'm new to database syntax, and this problem has been bugging me for days.
PG::Error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "ON"
LINE 1: ...tores ("key", "value") VALUES ('traffic:hits', 0) ON DUPLICA...
Here's the github page for the site I'm trying to convert.
This is the query. I added the backslash double quotes in replace of `.
if Rails.env == "test"
Keystore.connection.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO " <<
"#{Keystore.table_name} (\"key\", \"value\") VALUES " <<
"(#{q(key)}, 0)")
Keystore.connection.execute("UPDATE #{Keystore.table_name} " <<
"SET \"value\" = \"value\" + #{q(amount)} WHERE \"key\" = #{q(key)}")
Keystore.connection.execute("INSERT INTO #{Keystore.table_name} (" +
"\"key\", \"value\") VALUES (#{q(key)}, #{q(amount)}) ON DUPLICATE KEY " +
"UPDATE \"value\" = \"value\" + #{q(amount)}")