我正在使用 HTML5 画布制作一个文本编辑器,通过它我可以更新文本、更改字体、移动字体和移动背景图像。

我需要有关在画布中移动文本的帮助 - 如何使用带有鼠标移动事件的上下文来完成?


2 回答 2


画布本身的 w3c 草案建议不要这样做。您可以在画布最佳实践中阅读此内容

Authors should avoid implementing text editing controls using the canvas 
element. Doing so has a large number of disadvantages


This is a huge amount of work, and authors are most strongly encouraged 
to avoid doing any of it by instead using the input element, the textarea 
element, or the contenteditable attribute.


于 2012-09-15T12:13:02.990 回答

Edit: This answer was written in 2012. Modern web browsers have come long way since then and the answer no longer holds true. Google Docs and Visual Studio Code both use <canvas> based editing. Leaving this answer here just for the sake of the historical purpose. Here is a good thread on Hacker News on the topic.

Using HTML5 <canvas> for text edit is not recommended approach (see the answer above fom jbalsas). Mozilla Bespin (Skywriter) was an attempt until it was closed down and the development moved to non-<canvas> based ACE editor:



Atom editor choose non-canvas approach, ultimately settling on React.js to speed up DOM update process:


However <canvas> based editing is possible even if not recommended, see the comments below and the comment from jeromeyers:


... also this blog post contains some ideas when DOM based text editing might not work.

于 2012-09-15T10:50:06.120 回答