I have written a cron job in my Server as below

35 * * * * /home/sites/domain.com/public_html/admin/filename.php

I am trying to call a file in http://domain.com/admin/filename.php.

In Cron job i navigated to every folder by the way its stored in directory in server.But the way to reach the same file in browser is as below


Now the cron filename.php is not running.I checked the file permission every thing is perfect.

I want to know is there a problem in the path i specified

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1


当您在 cron 中运行 php 文件时。您必须配置为:

35 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/sites/domain.com/public_html/admin/filename.php


nohup php /home/sites/domain.com/public_html/admin/filename.php &
于 2017-01-16T03:30:17.433 回答