
我有显示 ThemeGroups 列表中菜单的布局,当我单击其中一个菜单项时,它应该转到显示此 ThemeGroup 中所有主题的页面,但是当我这样做时,会出现此错误:

    Server Error in '/' Application.
    The resource cannot be found.
    Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
    dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is 
    Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

    Requested URL: /Home/Browse/1

    Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319;
    ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.225 

我有给我主题属性的“ThemeModel.cs”,给我“id”和“ThemeGroupName”的“ThemeGroupsModel.cs”,并且在我的项目中有名为“Services”的文件夹,它有“ThemeSrv”类。 CS”。这个类有一个方法和这个代码:

   public List<ThemesModel> getAllTheme(short ThemeGrId)
   List<ThemesModel> ThemeList = new List<ThemesModel>();
        ThemesModel themeTemp;
        using (var context = new EShopThemeDBEntities(idbconnection.ConnStr))
            var ThemesDb = (from o in context.Themes
                            where o.ThemeGroupId == ThemeGrId
                            select o).ToList();
            if (ThemesDb != null)
                foreach (var item in ThemesDb)
                    themeTemp = new ThemesModel();

                    themeTemp.ThemeID = item.ThemeID;
                    themeTemp.ThemeName = item.CodeName;
                    themeTemp.HtmlF = item.Html;
                    themeTemp.JoomlaF = item.Joomla;
                    themeTemp.Image = item.Image;
                    themeTemp.PsdF = item.PSD;
                    themeTemp.UploadDate = item.UploadDate;
                    themeTemp.UnitPrice = (float)item.UnitPrice;
        return ThemeList;

我有具有以下属性的 HomeModel:

   using System;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using System.Linq;
   using System.Web;
   using EshopTheme.Services;

   namespace EshopTheme.Models
public class HomeModel
    public MenuSrv MenuList { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<ThemeGroupsModel> ThemeGr { get; private set; }

    public ThemeSrv ThemesByGrId { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<ThemesModel> AllThemes { get; private set; }

   public HomeModel()
        this.MenuList = new MenuSrv();
        this.ThemeGr = this.MenuList.getAllThemeGroup();

        this.ThemesByGrId = new ThemeSrv();
        this.AllThemes = ThemesByGrId.getAllTheme(2);

这是我在 HomeController 中的操作:

    public ActionResult Browse(short ThemeGroupId)
        var themes = new ThemeSrv();

        return View(themes.getAllTheme(ThemeGroupId));


   @{EshopTheme.Models.HomeModel hm = new EshopTheme.Models.HomeModel();     
     <ul id="menu">
                @foreach (var item in hm.ThemeGr)

                    @Html.ActionLink(item.ThemeGroupName, "Browse", "Home", 
                    new { id = item.ThemeGroupId }, new { @class = "linkMenu" })

                } </ul>


   @{ EshopTheme.Models.HomeModel hm = new EshopTheme.Models.HomeModel();

ViewBag.Title = "Browse";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_LayoutMain.cshtml";

   <ul id="themeList">

@foreach (var item in hm.ThemesByGrIds )
    <li><a href="@Html.ActionLink(item.ThemeName, "Browse", "home",
 new { id=item.ThemeID })">
        <img src="@item.Image" alt="@item.ThemeName" /><br />
        <span>Theme Name: @item.ThemeName </span>
        <br /><span>Upload date: @item.UploadDate
    @*  <span>price: @item.UnitPrice</span>*@




1 回答 1


您很可能会收到 404,因为您的路由配置错误和/或您正在尝试GET操作POST结果。试试这个


      name: "Browse",
      url: "{controller}/{action}/{themeGroupId}",
      defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", themeGroupId = UrlParameter.Optional }


public ActionResult Browse(short themeGroupId)
    var themes = new ThemeSrv();
    return View(themes.getAllTheme(themeGroupId));


于 2012-09-14T10:34:28.163 回答