当我在 A 类中进行查询时,我已经获得了所有数据。B类需要用到一些数据。我更喜欢将部分查询结果传递给 B,而不是在 B 中进行新查询。B 类将执行一些工作,并且 B 类中的数据将被更改。如何将数组 $something_else 传递给 B 类?这是课程:

class A{
  public $something;
  private $_project_obj;
  function __construct( $id = null ){
    if ( $id ) {
       $this->id = $id;
       $this->populate( $this->id );
 function populate(){
      $query = //do query
      $this->somthing= $query['A'];
      $this->something_else = $query['B'];
 function save(){
     // call save() in class B, $something_else is saved there
     if ( $this->_project_obj instanceof B ) {
    if ( true !== $this->_project_obj->save() ) {
        return false;
    // save $something and other stuffs in class A
   //  ......
  function project() {  
    if ( !$this->_project_obj instanceof B ) {
     if ( ( $this->id ) && ( loggedin_user_id() ) ) {
       $this->_project_obj = new B( $this->id, loggedin_user_id() );
    } else {
    return false;
     return $this->_project_obj
class B{
  public $data_this;
  public $data_that;
  function __constructor( $id=null, $user_id=null){
      if($id && $user_id){
        return $this->populate();
      return true;

 function populate(){
  $query = // do the same query as in class A
  $something_else = $query['B'];
  $this->data_this = $something_else['a'];
  $this->data_that = $something_else['b'];
 function save(){
  // save all data as $something_else 
 function jobs(){
 // perform jobs

2 回答 2

class class_b

public $something_else = NULL


$a = new class_a();
$b = new class_b();

$b->something_else = $a->something_else
于 2012-09-14T04:08:12.487 回答

目前尚不清楚您需要在 B中的哪个位置something_else,所以让我们将其添加为构造函数的一部分:使构造函数接受一个附加参数something_else并将其保存到该类的属性中:

class B{
  private var $_parent;
  function __constructor( $parent, $id=null, $user_id=null){
      $this->_parent = $parent; // Save reference to the "A" that contains this "B"
      if($id && $user_id){
        return $this->populate();
      return true;


当 A 创建 B 时:$this->_project_obj = new B( $this, $this->id, loggedin_user_id() );

而当 B 需要something_else从其父 A 获取最新版本时:$this->_parent->something_else

于 2012-09-14T04:10:39.033 回答