我正在开发一个在 Flash 中渲染 xps 内容的项目,并且在 Flash 中遇到了 twip(单位的 1/20)精度限制。twip 限制在 swf 文件格式中提及,但在 flash as3 文档中仅在 PrintJob.addPage 方法中提及。但是,在设置 DisplayObject x 和 y 属性时,任何小于 0.05 的精度都会被舍入。无论任何缩放。下面的代码演示了这个问题。
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
public class TWIPTest extends Sprite
// can change behaviour by switching between createPoint and drawPoint
public function TWIPTest()
this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
// scale our unit square so we can see what is happening
scaleX = 400; scaleY = 400;
// draw grid
var grid : Sprite = new Sprite();
grid.graphics.lineStyle(TWIP, 0x888888);
drawGrid(1 / TWIP, 1 / TWIP, TWIP, TWIP, grid);
// center of unit square
var cx : Number = 0.5;
var cy : Number = 0.5;
var shape : Shape;
// GREEN in middle of unit square
this.addChild(createPoint(cx, cy, 0x00FF00));
//drawPoint(cx, cy, 0x00FF00, this.graphics);
// BLUE one TWIP away from GREEN
this.addChild(createPoint(cx + TWIP, cy + TWIP, 0x0000FF));
//drawPoint(cx + TWIP, cy + TWIP, 0x0000FF, this.graphics);
// RED half a TWIP away from GREEN (this does not work....)
this.addChild(createPoint(cx + (TWIP / 2), cy + (TWIP / 2), 0xFF0000, 0.5));
//drawPoint(cx + (TWIP / 2), cy + (TWIP / 2), 0xFF0000, this.graphics, 0.5);
// now insert new container to work around limit encontered with RED point
var container : Sprite = new Sprite();
container.scaleX = 0.5; container.scaleY = 0.5;
container.addChild(createPoint(2 * cx + TWIP, 2 * cy + TWIP, 0xFF00FF, 1.0, 2 * TWIP));
//drawPoint(cx + (TWIP / 2), cy + (TWIP / 2), 0xFF00FF, container.graphics);
static private function createPoint(x:Number, y:Number,color:uint,alpha:Number=1.0,radius:Number=0.05):Shape
var shape : Shape = new Shape();
shape.x = x; shape.y = y;
shape.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
return shape;
static private function drawPoint(x:Number, y:Number,color:uint,target:Graphics,alpha:Number=1.0,radius:Number=0.05):void
target.drawCircle(x, y, radius);
// drawGrid from @Feltope
private function drawGrid(numColumns:Number, numRows:Number, cellHeight:Number, cellWidth:Number, grid:Sprite):void
for (var col:Number = 0; col < numColumns + 1; col++)
for (var row:Number = 0; row < numRows + 1; row++)
grid.graphics.moveTo(col * cellWidth, 0);
grid.graphics.lineTo(col * cellWidth, cellHeight * numRows);
grid.graphics.moveTo(0, row * cellHeight);
grid.graphics.lineTo(cellWidth * numColumns, row * cellHeight);
static private const TWIP : Number = 0.05;
问题是,在解析 xps 文件时,这可能随时发生,而且发生很多次,例如
<Canvas RenderTransform="96.201126,0,0,-95.787476,713.62598,207.05859">
<Path Data="..." RenderTransform="0.010394889,0,0,-0.010439778,-7.4180626,2.1616458">
注意 Path 元素中的 dx,这看起来微不足道,但是父级 Canvas(以及上面的其他父级)将其放大,因此 dx 到 0 或 0.05 的舍入非常明显。
每当发生这种情况时,我都可以添加 Sprite 容器,就像上面的代码一样,但这会导致内存膨胀并减慢渲染速度。