我正在使用适用于 Mac ( version 0.6.2 of the tools, 1.0.1 of the azure tools installer for MacOS) 的 azure 命令行工具,并且正在尝试使用 : 创建一个带有 git 存储库的网站azure site create MyUniqueApp --git


$ azure site create MyUniqueApp --git
info:    Executing command site create
+ Enumerating locations                                                        
+ Enumerating sites                                                            
info:    Updating existing site
+ Retrieving user information                                                  
error:   Access is denied.
error:   site create command failed


$ azure site create MyUniqueApp
info:    Executing command site create
+ Enumerating locations                                                        
+ Enumerating sites                                                            
info:    Using location North Europe
info:    Creating a new web site at MyUniqueApp.azurewebsites.net
+ Sending site information                                                     
info:    Created website at myuniqueapp.azurewebsites.net
info:    Initializing remote Azure repository
+ Updating site information                                                    
info:    Repository initialized
+ Retrieving site information                                                  
info:    To create a local git repository to publish to the remote site, please rerun this command with the --git flag: "azure site create MyUniqueApp --git".
info:    site create command OK



1 回答 1


我们遇到了一个应该很快解决的临时问题。有关更多信息,请参阅我的博客文章:http: //hashtagfail.com/post/31636752900/azure-site-create-bug

于 2012-09-19T22:13:17.923 回答