来适应密钥不存在的情况,然后返回 None:
from functools import reduce
import re
from typing import Any, Optional
def find_key(dot_notation_path: str, payload: dict) -> Any:
"""Try to get a deep value from a dict based on a dot-notation"""
def get_despite_none(payload: Optional[dict], key: str) -> Any:
"""Try to get value from dict, even if dict is None"""
if not payload or not isinstance(payload, (dict, list)):
return None
# can also access lists if needed, e.g., if key is '[1]'
if (num_key := re.match(r"^\[(\d+)\]$", key)) is not None:
return payload[int(num_key.group(1))]
except IndexError:
return None
return payload.get(key, None)
found = reduce(get_despite_none, dot_notation_path.split("."), payload)
# compare to None, as the key could exist and be empty
if found is None:
raise KeyError()
return found
在我的用例中,我需要在 HTTP 请求负载中找到一个键,它通常也可以包含列表。以下示例有效:
payload = {
"haystack1": {
"haystack2": {
"haystack3": None,
"haystack4": "needle"
"haystack5": [
{"haystack6": None},
{"haystack7": "needle"}
"haystack8": {},
find_key("haystack1.haystack2.haystack4", payload)
# "needle"
find_key("haystack5.[1].haystack7", payload)
# "needle"
find_key("[0].haystack5.[1].haystack7", [payload, None])
# "needle"
find_key("haystack8", payload)
# {}
find_key("haystack1.haystack2.haystack4.haystack99", payload)
# KeyError