使用 Python,我正在尝试连接到我的 AppEngine 应用程序的 remote_api 处理程序,但我不断收到错误消息。我想要做的是设置 remote_api 存根以通过它路由数据库调用并直接访问我的应用程序的数据存储区。因此,首先,我导入 remote_api 库,然后在存根模块上调用 ConfigureRemoteApi,并尝试使用对远程数据存储的调用。这是一些示例代码:

from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_stub

def test_remote_api():
    # This function is called when I want to use the remote api instead of the local datastore access
    remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApi('myapp.appspot.com', '/_ah/remote_api', auth_func, '')

def auth_func:
    # This actually returns a tuple with my credentials to skip the console input
    return ('username', 'password')

好的,现在,我已经使用 remote_api_shell.py 测试了我的登录信息和应用程序名称,但我收到如下错误:

File "C:\Program Files(x86)\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools\dev_appserver_blobstore.py", line 79, in GetBlobStorage
return apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('blobstore').storage
AttributeError: 'RemoteStub' object has no attribute 'storage'

然后我得到一个 404: Not Found 从应用程序,我知道这是错误的,因为从 Web 访问应用程序确实给了我结果。我需要做什么来设置 remote_api_stub,这样我就不会收到这个错误?



2 回答 2



你的 app_id 可能是错误的,你还需要传递地址参数。不久前,我在阅读 appengine 的 oreilly 书时突然想到了这一点(书严重过时,不推荐)

def attach_to_app(app_id, user=None, password=None, path=None, address=None):
    attaches to app_id instance at address (default: <app_id>.appspot.com)

    if you don't specify a user/password you will be prompted for one

    if you don't specify an address it is assumed to be

    path: path to remote_api handler, if not
    specified, will use /_ah/remote_api 
    path = path or "/_ah/remote_api"

    if not address:
        address = "%s.appspot.com" % app_id

    init_remote_api(app_id, path, address, user=user, password=password)

def auth_func():
    function to prompt user for credentials
    email_address = raw_input("Email Address: ")
    password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
    return email_address, password

def init_remote_api(app_id, path, address, user=None, password=None):
    generic wrapper to initialize the remoteapi for a given path

    app_id : the app_id of the application to connect to
    path: the path to the remote_api handler ex: /_ah/remote_api
    address: server to connect to ex: myapp.appspot.com

    if user and password are not specified you will be prompted on
    connection if needed
    if user and password:
        def my_auth():
            return (user, password)
        my_auth = auth_func

    remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApi(app_id, path, my_auth, address)
    os.environ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = "Development (remote_api)/1.0"

# example
APP_ID = "s~myapp" # when hrds was introduced it became necessary to specify app_id and address note the "s~..."
ADDRESS = "myapp.appspot.com"
attach_to_app(APP_ID, address=ADDRESS)
于 2012-09-13T20:42:55.517 回答


# First, create an instance of the Testbed class.
myTestBed = testbed.Testbed()

# Then activate the testbed, which prepares the service stubs for use.

# Next, declare which service stubs you want to use.
于 2013-07-22T13:01:39.563 回答