存储在 txt 文件中的列表与存储在服务器上的列表进行比较。如果有错误,我需要它来报告。这是输出:
root@vps [~/testinggrounds]# cat md5.txt | while read a b; do
> md5sum "$b" | read c d
> if [ "$a" != "$c" ] ; then
> echo "md5 of file $b does not match"
> fi
> done
md5 of file file1 does not match
md5 of file file2 does not match
root@vps [~/testinggrounds]# md5sum file*
2a53da1a6fbfc0bafdd96b0a2ea29515 file1
bcb35cddc47f3df844ff26e9e2167c96 file2
root@vps [~/testinggrounds]# cat md5.txt
2a53da1a6fbfc0bafdd96b0a2ea29515 file1
bcb35cddc47f3df844ff26e9e2167c96 file2