Let's suppose I have a Php function like this:
private function verification($isXLSFile = false) {
if ($isXLSFile) {
}else {
$parsedCSVArr = $this->getCSVarr();
Zend_Registry::get('VMMS_ZEND_CACHE')->save($parsedCSVArr, $this->getXLSCacheName());
Zend_Registry::get('VMMS_ZEND_CACHE')->save($isXLSFile, $this->getXLSCacheName());
And then I call another function checking the CACHE like this:
private function process(){
Logger::info("EnterDataMassUpload - Start Process...");
if (($parsedCSVArr = Zend_Registry::get('VMMS_ZEND_CACHE')->load($this->getXLSCacheName())) === false) {
//if XLS file it reads the lines for each sheet.
if ($isXLSFile == true) {
//make sure there's no duplicated row
$parsedCSVArr = array_unique($parsedCSVArr, SORT_REGULAR);
foreach($parsedCSVArr as $sheetIndex=>$arr){
foreach ($arr as $k=>$line) {
$this->processLine($line, $k);
} else { //for a CSV file
foreach($parsedCSVArr as $k=>$line){
$this->processLine($line, $k);
// ...
As you can see, I'm trying to save 2 variables in the same place to read it in the function process()
Do you know why my flag is not working? I mean.. can I save two variables in the same place:
Zend_Registry::get('VMMS_ZEND_CACHE')->save($parsedCSVArr, $this->getXLSCacheName());
Zend_Registry::get('VMMS_ZEND_CACHE')->save($isXLSFile, $this->getXLSCacheName());