我正在尝试使用 AndroidPlot 在主屏幕小部件中绘制图表。我知道在普通应用程序中,它使用自定义视图,并且根据我所见(Android:AppWidget with custom view not working),解决方法是将其渲染为imageView
现在我已经获取了 AndroidPlot 的快速入门代码并将其放入提供程序类中,但是当我将其放在主屏幕上时它似乎没有呈现任何内容。
此代码与原始快速入门代码的区别在于,在快速入门中,它利用了 ,Activity.findViewById
private Bitmap getChartImage(Context context)
// initialize our XYPlot reference:
mySimpleXYPlot = new XYPlot(context, "My Simple XYPlot");
// add a new series
mySimpleXYPlot.addSeries(new SimpleXYSeries(), LineAndPointRenderer.class, new LineAndPointFormatter(Color.rgb(0, 200, 0), Color.rgb(200, 0, 0)));
// reduce the number of range labels
// reposition the domain label to look a little cleaner:
Widget domainLabelWidget = mySimpleXYPlot.getDomainLabelWidget();
mySimpleXYPlot.position(domainLabelWidget, // the widget to position
45, // x position value, in this case 45 pixels
XLayoutStyle.ABSOLUTE_FROM_LEFT, // how the x position value is applied, in this case from the left
0, // y position value
YLayoutStyle.ABSOLUTE_FROM_BOTTOM, // how the y position is applied, in this case from the bottom
AnchorPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM); // point to use as the origin of the widget being positioned
// get rid of the visual aids for positioning:
//mySimpleXYPlot.measure(150, 150);
//mySimpleXYPlot.layout(0, 0, 150, 150);
Bitmap bmp = mySimpleXYPlot.getDrawingCache();
return bmp;