整天都在为此苦苦挣扎,现在尝试各种组合而没有任何快乐,如果有人可以提供帮助吗?我使用 WITH ROLLUP 对 Total 列求和,该列在表的底部添加一行,输出每列的总和。
我现在需要对最后一列 [利润] 进行降序排序,因此最高数字位于顶部。我已经使用下面的查询实现了这一点,但它也对 ROLLUP 行进行了排序,是否有一种方法可以将汇总作为单独的实体,因此 ORDER BY 仅在普通记录上完成?
c.ContactFullName As Adviser,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 1, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Jan,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 2, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Feb,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 3, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Mar,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 4, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Apr,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 5, b.LeadCost, 0)) As May,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 6, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Jun,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 7, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Jul,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 8, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Aug,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 9, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Sep,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 10, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Oct,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 11, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Nov,
Sum(If(Month(b.CaseDate) = 12, b.LeadCost, 0)) As Decb,
Sum(b.LeadCost) As LeadCosts,
Sum(b.CaseCommission) As GrossComm,
(Sum(b.CaseCommission) * 40 / 100) As GHL_Comm,
(Sum(b.CaseCommission) * 40 / 100 - Sum(b.LeadCost)) As Profit
tblcontacts a Inner Join
tblcases b On a.ContactID = b.ContactID Inner Join
mi_tblcontacts c On c.Mi_ContactID = b.ContactAssignedTo Inner Join
tblreferral d On d.RefferalID = a.ContactReferrelSource
Group By
c.ContactFullName With Rollup) q
Order By
q.Profit Desc