I have this little piece of code to update the position of element
public function moveUp($id) {
$row = $this->find($id)->current();
$kategoria = $row->kategoria;
$position = $row->position;
if($position > 1) {
$data1 = array(
'position' => new Zend_Db_Expr('position - 1')
$where1['id = ?'] = $id;
$this->getDefaultAdapter()->update($this->_name, $data1, $where1);
$data2 = array(
'position' => new Zend_Db_Expr('position + 1')
$where2['position = ?'] = $position - 1;
$where2['kategoria = ?'] = $kategoria;
$this->getDefaultAdapter()->update($this->_name, $data2, $where2);
The problem is that only second update is executed and first one does nothing. If I comment out second update then the first update works fine. Why is that?
Also should I check for the next smaller / bigger position instead of just +/- 1 ? That is assuming the code in other parts of application don't make gaps in position column.