I'm currently trying to set up an offline.manifest file for my web app to be used offline on an iOS device. For testing purposes I have a very simple HTML page that I'm trying to add to a home screen. I'm testing it on a live iPhone 4, but after the page is added to the home screen and I put the iPhone in the airplane mode and try to start my web app I get this error:

"Turn Off Airplane Mode or Use Wi-Fi to Access Data"

and then if I click OK I get:

"Cannot Open Web App Name" "Web App Name could not be opened because it is not connected to the Internet"

The following is added to the HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" manifest="scrts/offline.manifest">

and the offline.manifest is composed as such:



I got all instructions on composing it from here

I also adjusted the .htaccess file to add this line:

AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest

Any idea what am I not doing right?


1 回答 1


This tutorial is pretty good and if your pages are generated dynamically, you may use a .htaccess to rewrite domain.com/script.html to domain.com/script.php and then call the *.html from your app. This way the content on the device is saved as html and could be delivered statically. You can also add fallback urls/files to your manifest file which may be useful if your content is dynamically by default.

于 2012-06-14T20:26:33.047 回答