我正在从大约 1000 列的表中填充大约 15 列的表。我需要从大桌子上抓紧时间。该时间分为分钟和小时 [rn-min] 和 [rn-hr],我需要在新表中以 am/pm 格式使用它们。该表由一家外部公司填充,因此我无法对其进行太多更改,我确实让他们放入了一个转移列供我检查。它又大又慢,我只需要几列,并且有很多重复/相似的行。在任何情况下,我都会从更大的桌子上制作更小的桌子。我写了一个游标,它很慢,我想知道是否有更好的方法来做到这一点。我不能只使用简单的插入(选择列),因为我想更改时间和日期的存储方式。谢谢,任何帮助或建议表示赞赏
select [raID],
CAST([RA-rent-mm] as varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST([RA-rent-dd] as varchar(2)) + '/' +
CAST([RA-Rent-CC] as varchar(2)) + CAST([RA-RENT-YY] as varchar(2)) [Date_Out],
CAST([RA-Rtrn-mm] as varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST([RA-Rtrn-dd] as varchar(2)) +
'/' + CAST([RA-Rtrn-CC] as varchar(2)) + CAST([RA-Rtrn-YY] as varchar(2)) [Date_In],
CAST([RA-RENTAL-HOURS] as varchar(2)),
CAST([RA-RENTAL-Minutes] as varchar(2)),
CAST([RA-RTRN-HOURS] as varchar(2)),
CAST([RA-RTRN-MINUTES] as varchar(2)),
(other fields)
from table_name
where Transfered is null
and [RA-rtrn-mm] != 0 --this keeps me from getting the duplicate/similar rows, once this doesn't equal 0 there aren't anymore rows so I just grab this one
declare @sql as varchar(max)
declare @raID int;
(other fields),
declare @rentDate varchar(8);
declare @rtrnDate varchar(8);
declare @rentHours varchar(2);
declare @rentMinutes varchar(2);
declare @rtrnHours varchar(2);
declare @rtrnMinutes varchar(2);
(other fields)
open data
fetch next from data into
(other fields),
@rentDate ,
@rtrnDate ,
@rentHours ,
@rentMinutes ,
@rtrnHours ,
@rtrnMinutes ,
(other fields),
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
set @rentMinutes = left('0' + @rentMinutes,2);--padding with 0 if minutes is 1-9
set @rtrnMinutes = left('0' + @rtrnMinutes,2);
--turning the varchar times into a time then back to varchar with correct am/pm notation
declare @rentT time = @rentHours + ':' + @rentMinutes;
declare @rtnT time = @rtrnHours + ':' + @rtrnMinutes;
declare @rentTime varchar(7) = convert(varchar(15),@rentT, 100);
declare @returnTime varchar(7) = convert(varchar(15),@rtnT, 100);
--print @rentTime;
set @sql = 'INSERT other_tbl_name(raID, (other fields), Date_Out, Date_In, Time_Out, Time_In, (other fields))
values ('+cast(@raID as varchar(max))+', (other fields),'''+@rentDate+''',
'''+@rtrnDate+''', '''+@rentTime+''', '''+@returnTime+''',
(other fields))';
print @sql
--need a way to make sure the insert worked before updating
--need to update transferred to keep from updating the same info
declare @update as varchar(max) = '
UPDATE Capture.icokc_data
SET Transfered = 1
WHERE [raID] = '+cast(@raID as varchar(10))
--print @update
fetch next from data into
(other fields)
@rentDate ,
@rtrnDate ,
@rentHours ,
@rentMinutes ,
@rtrnHours ,
@rtrnMinutes ,
(other fields)
close data;
deallocate data;