/** This will replace \ with ⍀, ^$ with '₴' and dots with ⋅ to make the object compatible for mongoDB insert.
1. If you have any of ⍀, ₴ or ⋅ in your original documents, they will be converted to \$.upon decoding.
2. Recursive structures are always an issue. A cheap way to prevent a stack overflow is by limiting the number of levels. The default max level is 10.
encodeMongoObj = function(o, level = 10) {
var build = {}, key, newKey, value
//if (typeof level === "undefined") level = 20 // default level if not provided
for (key in o) {
value = o[key]
if (typeof value === "object") value = (level > 0) ? encodeMongoObj(value, level - 1) : null // If this is an object, recurse if we can
newKey = key.replace(/\\/g, '⍀').replace(/^\$/, '₴').replace(/\./g, '⋅') // replace special chars prohibited in mongo keys
build[newKey] = value
return build
/** This will decode an object encoded with the above function. We assume the structure is not recursive since it should come from Mongodb */
decodeMongoObj = function(o) {
var build = {}, key, newKey, value
for (key in o) {
value = o[key]
if (typeof value === "object") value = decodeMongoObj(value) // If this is an object, recurse
newKey = key.replace(/⍀/g, '\\').replace(/^₴/, '$').replace(/⋅/g, '.') // replace special chars prohibited in mongo keys
build[newKey] = value
return build
var nastyObj = {
"sub.obj" : {"$dollar\\backslash": "$\\.end$"}
nastyObj["$you.must.be.kidding"] = nastyObj // make it recursive
var encoded = encodeMongoObj(nastyObj, 1)
console.log( decodeMongoObj( encoded) )
和结果 - 请注意,这些值没有被修改:
sub⋅obj: {
₴dollar⍀backslash: "$\\.end$"
₴you⋅must⋅be⋅kidding: {
sub⋅obj: null,
₴you⋅must⋅be⋅kidding: null
[12:02:47.691] {
"sub.obj": {
$dollar\\backslash: "$\\.end$"
"$you.must.be.kidding": {
"sub.obj": {},
"$you.must.be.kidding": {}