您不需要为了使用类而使用类(除非您使用的是 Java)
我处理类的方式是,我首先考虑我需要什么“对象”或“事物”,然后定义将定义该事物的属性和方法。如果我要创建同一事物的多个实例,那么一个类很有用。如果我只需要 1 个实例,那么一个模块或全局变量很可能就足够了。
class Deck(object):
""" class for managing a deck of cards """
class Player(object):
""" defines properties and methods that an individual player would have """
def __init__( self ):
self._cards = [] # hold a player current cards
self._chips = 10 # define how much money a player has
def clearCards( self ):
self._cards = []
def dealCard( self, card ):
class Dealer(object):
""" defines properties and methods that a dealer would have """
def __init__( self ):
self._decks = [] # hold multiple decks for playing with
self._stack = [] # holds all the shuffled cards as a
def nextCard( self ):
""" pop a card off the stack and return it """
return self._stack.pop()
def shuffle( self ):
for deck in self._decks:
deck.shuffle() # shuffle each individual deck
# re-populate a shuffled stack of cards
self._stack = []
# randomly go through each deck and put each card into the stack
def deal( self, *players ):
""" Create a new hand based on the current deck stack """
# determine if i need to shuffle
if ( len(self._stack) < self._minimumStackCount ):
return Hand(self, *players)
class Hand(object):
def __init__( self, dealer, *players ):
self._dealer = dealer # points back to the dealer
self._players = players # defines all the players in the hand
self._table = [] # defines the cards on the table
self._round = 1
for player in players:
def deal( self ):
# in holdem, each round you get a different card combination per round
round = self._round
self._round += 1
# deal each player 2 cards in round 1
if ( round == 1 ):
for i in range(2):
for player in players:
player.dealCard( self._dealer.nextCard() )
# deal the table 3 cards in round 2 (flop)
elif ( round == 2 ):
self._table = [self._dealer.nextCard() for i in range(3)]
# deal the table 1 card in round 2 (turn)
elif ( round == 3 ):
# deal the table 1 card in round 3 (river)