I am trying to install intl extension in moodle which is a php application. I've added the lines

extension = php_intl.dll 
intl.default_locale = en_utf8
intl.error_level = E_WARNING

in my php.ini file. When I do this in apache and copy all the icuu*.dll files in apache/bin folder, I can see the extension in the application. In IIS server, I don't know where to copy the icuu*.dll files and whether I need to copy those files. If I restart without copying, the application still runs but I can't see the extension. Can someone please advise me?


1 回答 1


我遇到过同样的问题。我试图禁用 php_wincache.dll 扩展并且它有效。然后我可以再次重新启用它。我从这里http://windows.php.net/download/使用了来自 zip 包的 VC9 x86 Thread Safe intl extension dll

于 2014-05-17T09:34:55.470 回答