<cfset robots = robots.replaceAll( "(?m)^Disallow: #ReEscape(sURL)#(?:\r?\n|\z)" , "" ) />
...而不是那些 List 函数。
当然,如果您想确保文件末尾没有空格,您当然也可以使用 trim。
(?x) ## enable extended/comment mode
## (literal whitespace is ignored, hashes start comments, also ignored)
(?m) ## enable multiline mode
## (meaning ^ and $ match start/end of each line, as well as of entire input)
^Disallow:\ ## Match literal text "Disallow: " at start of a line.
## (In comment mode, a \ is needed before the space
## in standard use this is not required.)
#ReEscape(sURL)# ## use ReEscape to avoid issues since the URL might
## contain characters that are non-literal in a regex.
(?: ## non-capturing group to contain alternation between...
\r?\n ## match optional carriage return followed by a newline.
| ## or
\z ## match end of input (whether there is a newline there or not)
(要在 CFML 中使用它,请将其包装在 cfsavecontent 和 cfoutput 中,然后将结果变量放入robot.replaceAll(here,'')
<cfset robots = robots.trim().replaceAll('\r','').replaceAll('\n{2,}','\n') />