As described in this question one can have auto complete (Content Assist) appear automatically as you type. There is, however, a problem with this setup.

Eclipse figures it's a good idea to accept the first suggested completion when LOADS of different keys are pressed. Such as space, braces and other stuff you really need to type often without inserting a suggestion.

Any Eclipse wiz out there who knows how to turn this auto insertion off without disabling the suggestions?


2 回答 2


打开窗口 --> 首选项。在过滤器中输入“内容辅助”,然后为您的编辑器禁用它(或更改激活首选项)。

于 2012-09-11T20:35:17.333 回答

转到Window-> Preferences-> Java-> Editor-> Content Assist-> Auto Activation->Auto activation triggers for Java并输入 ".abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 。您可以添加或删除任何字符,按下它会触发自动完成菜单。

在您的情况下,请确保您没有空格, ( 或 < 包含在Auto activation triggers for Java

于 2021-04-23T07:09:05.107 回答