public abstract class TextListener implements InputFilter {
public abstract CharSequence removeStr(CharSequence removeChars, int startPos);
public abstract CharSequence insertStr(CharSequence newChars, int startPos);
public abstract CharSequence updateStr(CharSequence oldChars, int startPos, CharSequence newChars);
public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
CharSequence returnStr = source;
String curStr = dest.subSequence(dstart, dend).toString();
String newStr = source.toString();
int length = end - start;
int dlength = dend - dstart;
if (dlength > 0 && length == 0) {
// Case: Remove chars, Simple
returnStr = TextListener.this.removeStr(dest.subSequence(dstart, dend), dstart);
} else if (length > 0 && dlength == 0) {
// Case: Insert chars, Simple
returnStr = TextListener.this.insertStr(source.subSequence(start, end), dstart);
} else if (curStr.length() > newStr.length()) {
// Case: Remove string or replace
if (curStr.startsWith(newStr)) {
// Case: Insert chars, by append
returnStr = TextUtils.concat(curStr.subSequence(0, newStr.length()), TextListener.this.removeStr(curStr.subSequence(newStr.length(), curStr.length()), dstart + curStr.length()));
} else {
// Case Replace chars.
returnStr = TextListener.this.updateStr(curStr, dstart, newStr);
} else if (curStr.length() < newStr.length()) {
// Case: Append String or rrepace.
if (newStr.startsWith(curStr)) {
// Addend, Insert
returnStr = TextUtils.concat(curStr, TextListener.this.insertStr(newStr.subSequence(curStr.length(), newStr.length()), dstart + curStr.length()));
} else {
returnStr = TextListener.this.updateStr(curStr, dstart, newStr);
} else {
// No update os str...
// If the return value is same as the source values, return the source value.
return TextUtils.equals(source, returnStr) ? source : returnStr;