在尝试从像下面的代码那样从 BLOB 获得的 InputStream 中读取时,InputStream 进入无限期等待状态。
我从运行在 Jboss 应用服务器上的 Web 应用程序设置这些数据,并且读/写工作非常好,问题是在使用普通 JDBC 运行独立的 Java 代码时。
环境是JDK6,Oracle 10g。
ResultSet rs = this.stmt.executeQuery();
log.println("ResultSetType: " + (rs != null ? rs.getClass() : null));
while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
. . . // read other columns
Blob savedBlob = rs.getBlob("PERSISTENCE_BLOB");
long len = savedBlob.length();
log.println("Going to read bytes..." + len);
InputStream is = savedBlob.getBinaryStream();
log.println("IS Received...");
log.println("Available : " + is.available());
ObjectInputStream oip = new ObjectInputStream(is);
Object obj = oip.readObject();
. . .
ResultSetType: class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl
RowID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // Row is selected and printed properly
Going to read bytes...6022
IS Received...
Available : 0
但是,如果我尝试在卡盘中读取如下内容.. 它可以正常工作,因为我正在读取序列化对象并希望从 InputStream 打开 ObjectInputStream。
. . .
ResultSet rs = this.stmt.executeQuery();
log.println("ResultSetType: " + (rs != null ? rs.getClass() : null));
while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
. . .
Blob savedBlob = rs.getBlob("PERSISTENCE_BLOB");
long len = savedBlob.length();
int start = 1;
int totalBytesRead = 0;
int buffSize = 2048;
byte[] byteBuff = null;
log.println("Going to read bytes..." + len);
do {
byteBuff = new byte[buffSize];
byteBuff = savedBlob.getBytes(start, buffSize);
totalBytesRead += buffSize;
log.println(start + "," + buffSize + " #BLOB bytes: " + new String(byteBuff));
start += buffSize;
. . .
} while (. . . );
log.println("Total Bytes: " + totalBytesRead);
ResultSetType: class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl
Going to read bytes...6022
1,2048 #BLOB bytes: //......bytes data..........
Total Bytes: 6022