我建立了一个 wordpress 主题并在其中插入了一个图像滑块。图片仍然是静态的,但我想在每个 wordpress 页面上定义它们。我可以过滤模板标题中的页面 ID 并动态定义图像。

现在我正在寻找一种在 wordpress 后端的 pageeditor 中动态定义它们的方法。这样客户就可以为每一页自己更改它们。是否已经有针对此问题的插件或任何其他简单的解决方案?




1 回答 1


There is some great slider plugins already out there. WooThemes's one being one of my favourite. It is $35 though.

If you've already got it all setup though, and just need to be able to do it dynamically, then you could use a plugin like Attachments. You can just have it call the attachments for the current page/post, and use those images. If you NEED to have a slider on every page, then check for attachments on the current page/post, and if there is none, then request the ones for the home page. Done and done. Well I hope so, not sure if I read your question correctly... Hope this helps but :)

于 2012-09-11T14:13:01.387 回答