我想将我自己的应用程序图标添加到在此处输入图像描述Android 联系人中的 QucikAction 对话框。我发现了这个http://www.londatiga.net/it/how-to-create-quickaction-dialog-in-android/

我有使用联系人(人)的应用程序,我想转到所需的联系人(通过堆栈应用程序管理联系人),单击联系人的图标,QuickAction 对话框应该包含我的应用程序的图标,我单击并且我的应用程序应该以联系信息开头。



1 回答 1


You can't do this, this is not supported by stock "Phone" or "Contacts" apps.

A reason behind this - list of quick actions shows possible type of actions that you can do with underlying contact, rather than list of apps that can do something with this contact.

All you can do is add your app to list of some predefined actions, like "sending SMS", "making a phone call", "viewing photos", etc. In order to do this you need to specify correct intent-filters in your manifest file. In that case your app can appear in list of apps that shows after user clicks one of quick actions mentioned above

于 2012-09-11T14:13:23.610 回答