无法在正在运行的模拟器上显示 android 应用程序。实际上我正在尝试通过来自 android 的 SOAP 方法使用 Web 服务,我想我已经正确完成了每个代码,但是当我尝试运行这个应用程序时,控制台和 logcat 是这样说的


[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] -----------
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] Android Launch!
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] adb is running normally.
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] No Launcher activity found!
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] The launch will only sync the application package on the device!
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] Performing sync
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator 'emulator-5554' running compatible AVD 'Android22-API-8'
[2012-09-11 16:26:47 - TMS_Chart] Uploading TMS_Chart.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2012-09-11 16:26:50 - TMS_Chart] Installing TMS_Chart.apk...
[2012-09-11 16:26:54 - TMS_Chart] Success!
[2012-09-11 16:26:54 - TMS_Chart] \TMS_Chart\bin\TMS_Chart.apk installed on device
[2012-09-11 16:26:54 - TMS_Chart] Done!

logcat 是这样说的,


09-11 16:26:53.463: D/AndroidRuntime(494): Shutting down VM
09-11 16:26:53.473: D/dalvikvm(494): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
09-11 16:26:53.513: I/AndroidRuntime(494): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed
09-11 16:26:58.443: D/dalvikvm(191): GC_EXPLICIT freed 88 objects / 3824 bytes in 146ms
09-11 16:29:42.536: D/SntpClient(58): request time failed: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol
09-11 16:34:42.583: D/SntpClient(58): request time failed: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol
09-11 16:39:42.626: D/SntpClient(58): request time failed: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol

所以在这里我无法在模拟器上找到我启动的 android 应用程序。




1 回答 1



    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> 
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> 
于 2012-09-11T11:49:38.250 回答