I have a GAE database entity that looks like this:
class Notification(db.Model):
alert = db.StringProperty()
type = db.StringProperty()
status = db.StringProperty(default="unread", choices=set(["unread", "read"]))
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
modified = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
entity = db.StringProperty()
record = db.ReferenceProperty(model.RecordModel)
actor = db.ReferenceProperty(model.Profile)
account = db.ReferenceProperty(model.Account)
... and I create an entity like so:
notify = model2.Notification(account=account)
notify.alert = message
notify.type = "reminder"
notify.actor = actor
notify.record = record
This call raises an error *'Notification' object has no attribute '_key'*
nquery = db.Query(model2.Notification).filter('account =', self.session.account).order('-created')
for n in nquery:
_dict = {}
_dict['serverID'] = str(n.key()) #- raises error!