我正在为跨浏览器输入和文本区域选择 getter 和 setter 编写扩展。这就是我编写代码的方式:
HTMLInputElement.prototype.getSelectionRange = get_selection_range;
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setSelection = set_selection_range;
HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype.getSelectionRange = get_selection_range;
HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype.setSelection = set_selection_range;
get_selection_range 和 set_selection_range 是那些扩展函数。所以我只想更换
someInputElement.selectionStart = a; // and whole lot of code due to browser
someInputElement.selectionEnd = b; // compatibility
someInputElement.setSelection(a, b);
someInputElement.setSelection({ start: a, end: b });
但后来我在 IE7 中遇到了一些困难。首先,IE7 不知道什么是 HTMLInputElement。
我不想扩展整个对象。好吧,那将是我要做的最后一件事,但我想逃避它。函数 get_selection_range 和 set_selection_range 没问题,不要问里面有什么,你已经看过几次了。
所以问题是:对于 IE7,JS 中的 HTMLInputElement 是否有任何合法替代?
var SmartInputSelection = Base.extend({
constructor: function (options) {
this.node = options.node;
this.CHARACTER = "character";
this.END_TO_END = "EndToEnd";
this.END_TO_START = "EndToStart";
setSelection: function (a, b) {
if (b === undefined && typeof a == "number")
b = a;
else if (b === undefined) {
b = a.end;
a = a.start;
if (this.node.selectionStart !== undefined) {
this.node.selectionStart = a;
this.node.selectionEnd = b;
} else {
var textRange = this.node.createTextRange();
textRange.moveStart(this.CHARACTER, a);
textRange.moveEnd(this.CHARACTER, b - a);
getSelection: function () {
var start, end;
if (this.node.selectionStart !== undefined) {
start = this.node.selectionStart;
end = this.node.selectionEnd;
} else {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range == null) {
start = end = 0;
var textRange = this.node.createTextRange(),
duplicate = textRange.duplicate();
duplicate.setEndPoint(this.END_TO_END, textRange);
end = duplicate.text.length;
duplicate.setEndPoint(this.END_TO_START, textRange);
start = duplicate.text.length;
return {
start: start,
end: end
function SelectSomeTextInsideInput (input /* input is some DOM element */) {
var smartInputSelection = new SmartInputSelection({ node: input });
smartInputSelection.setSelection(2, 5);
smartInputSelection.setSelection({ start: 2, end: 5 });
smartInputSelection.getSelection(); // start: 2, end: 5