我有一个关于 Javascript 对象中的公共和私有变量的问题。这是我一直在使用的简单代码,用于了解变量范围以及私有和公共属性。

var fred = new Object01("Fred");
var global = "Spoon!";

function Object01(oName) {
    var myName = oName;
    this.myName = "I'm not telling!";
    var sub = new subObject("underWorld");
    this.sub = new subObject("Sewer!");

    Object01.prototype.revealName = function() {
        return "OK, OK, my name is: " + myName + ", oh and we say " + global;

    Object01.prototype.revealSecretName = function() {
        console.log ("Private: ");
        console.log("Public: ");

function subObject(oName) {
    var myName = oName;
    this.myName = "My Secret SubName!";

    subObject.prototype.revealName  = function() {
        console.info("My Property Name is: " + this.myName);
        console.info("OK, my real name is: " + myName + ", yeah and we also say: " + global);

到目前为止,我观察到的有趣的事情是在我的对象中,一个普通的 var 被视为私有的(显然,因为它们在一个函数块中),而一个this版本是公共的。但我注意到与 同名的变量this.xxx似乎被认为是不同的变量。因此,在上面的示例中,我的对象fred将报告this.myName与我的函数相比不同的东西来拉我的var myName.

但是对于我创建的子对象,这种相同的行为并不相同。在上述两种情况下,var sub使用this.sub调用new subObject来创建两个子对象。但似乎两者兼而有之this.sub,并var sub返回Sewer!版本。

Som 我有点困惑,为什么如果我使用 Stringsthis.myNamevar myName得到两个不同的结果,但我尝试对另一个对象做同样的事情却不会产生类似的结果?我想可能是我用错了,或者不理解 athisvarversion 之间的区别。


5 回答 5





function A() {
    var private = 0;

    this.setPrivate = function( value ) {
        private = value;    

    this.getPrivate = function() {
        return private;

var a = new A();

a.getPrivate() //0;

var b = [];

b.fn = a.setPrivate; //The function is fully promiscuous, especially since the data is closed over by it,
                    //so it doesn't matter at all where or how it's invoked.


a.getPrivate(); //1



我建议使用在 JS 中定义“类”的标准方式,而不是将其与闭包混为一谈:

function A() {
    this._private = 1;
//Note, this code is outside any function
//The functions assigned to prototype are therefore only defined once.
A.prototype.getPrivate = function() {
    return this._private;

A.prototype.setPrivate = function( value ) {
    this._private = value;

var a = new A();

你可以在这里找到一个很好的教程:https ://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Guide/Details_of_the_Object_Model

于 2012-09-10T20:19:45.247 回答

您最大的问题实际上不是this基于 - 的对象属性和var- 声明的变量之间的区别。



function Person (personName) {
    var scoped_name = personName;

    this.name = "Imposter " + scoped_name;

Person.prototype.greet = function () { console.log("Hi, I'm " + this.name + "!"); };

var bob = new Person("Bob");
bob.greet(); // "Hi, I'm Imposter Bob!"

字符串的重点prototype是提供对对象的可公开访问属性进行操作的方法(例如,如果您想更改 的值this.name,但您将永远失去隐藏的scoped_name引用)...


function Student (name, id) {
    function showIDCard () { return id; }
    function greet () { console.log("I'm " + name + ", and I attend " + this.school); }

    this.showID = showIDCard;
    this.greet = greet;

Student.prototype.school = "The JS Academy of Hard-Knocks";
Student.prototype.comment_on_school = function (feeling) {
    console.log("I " + feeling + " " + this.school);

var bob = new Student("Bob", 1);
var doug = new Student("Doug", 2);
var mary = new Student("Mary", 1);

mary.school = "The JS School of Closure";

bob.greet(); // I'm Bob and I attend The JS School of Hard-Knocks
mary.greet(); // I'm Mary and I attend the JS School of Closure
mary.comment_on_school("love"); // I love The JS School of Closure

prototype为 ,定义了一个默认值school,因为Students 没有自己的值。 prototype还提供了可以在对象之间共享的函数,因为这些函数用于this访问对象的实际属性。



我对 JS 应用大规模“类”方法的建议是采用有利于对象组合的风格。如果你要子类,让每个子类成为一个模块,有它自己的面向公众的接口,和它自己的私有范围的变量,然后让那个模块成为你想要做的任何东西的属性,而不是而不是试图让继承链工作。

也就是说,如果你期望做一些事情,比如从基类继承,然后将其扩展 8 或 10 代,那么在 JS 中的工作量太大了。它只会以泪水告终,并抱怨 JS 不是“OOP”(以您希望的风格)。

于 2012-09-10T20:56:11.610 回答

实际上,我提倡使用非标准方法来定义 javascript 类。以下编码约定使任何具有面向对象背景的人都易于阅读和理解代码;它也很容易维护,不像Method.prototype=function(){};任何时候你想重命名一个类、添加更多方法、理解一个类的层次结构甚至重新解释你自己的代码在做什么的方法。


* public class Animal
(function(namespace) {
    var __class__ = 'Animal';

    * private static:
    var animalCount = 0;

    * public Animal(string name)
    var constructor = function(name) {

        // here you can assert arguments are correct
        if(arguments.length == 0) {
            return global.error('needs a name');

        * private:
        var animalIndex = animalCount++;

        * public:
        var operator = {
            speak: function() {
            getName: function() {
                return name;
            getAnimalIndex: function() {
                return animalIndex;

        return operator;

    * public static Animal()
    var global = namespace[__class__] = function() {
        // new Animal();
        if(this !== namespace) {
            // construct a new instance of this class
            instance = constructor.apply(this, arguments);
            return instance;
        // Animal();
        else {
            // return the last instantiation of this class
            return instance; // or do whatever you want

    * public static:
    // overrides the default toString method to describe this class from a static context
    global.toString = function() {
        return __class__+'()';

    // prints a message to the console's error log
    global.error = function() {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
        console.error.apply(console, args);

* publc class Dog extends Animal
(function(namespace) {
    var __class__ = 'Dog';

    * private static:
    var dogCount = 0;

    * public Dog()
    var construct = function(name) {

        * private:
        var dogIndex = dogCount++;

        * public operator() ();
        var operator = new Animal(name);

        * public:

        // overrides parent method 'speak'
        operator.speak = function() {
            console.log(operator.getName()+': bark!');

        // method returns value of private variable
        operator.getSpeciesIndex = function() {
            return dogIndex;

        return operator;

    * public static Dog()
    var global = namespace[__class__] = function() {

        // new Dog();
        if(this !== namespace) {
            // construct a new instance of this class
            instance = construct.apply(this, arguments);
            return instance;

        // Dog();
        else {
            // return the last instantiation of this class
            return instance; // or do whatever you want

* publc class Cat extends Animal
(function(namespace) {
    var __class__ = 'Cat';

    * private static:
    var catCount = 0;

    * public Cat()
    var construct = function(name) {

        // here you can assert arguments are correct
        if(arguments.length == 0) {
            return global.error('needs a name');

        * private:
        var catIndex = catCount++;

        * public operator() ();
        var operator = new Animal(name);

        * public:

        // overrides parent method 'speak'
        operator.speak = function() {
            console.log(name+': meow!');

        // method returns value of private variable
        operator.getSpeciesIndex = function() {
            return catIndex;

        return operator;

    * public static Cat()
    var global = namespace[__class__] = function() {

        // new Cat();
        if(this !== namespace) {
            // construct a new instance of this class
            instance = construct.apply(this, arguments);
            return instance;

        // Cat();
        else {
            // return the last instantiation of this class
            return instance; // or do whatever you want

现在声明了上述类:Animal、Dog 扩展了 Animal、Cat 扩展了 Animal……我们得到以下结果:

new Dog(); // prints: "Animal: needs a name" to error output

var buddy = new Dog('Buddy');
buddy.speak(); // prints: "Buddy: bark!"

var kitty = new Cat('Kitty');
kitty.speak(); // prints: "Kitty: meow!"

var oliver = new Dog('Oliver');
oliver.speak(); // prints: "Oliver: bark!"

buddy.getSpeciesIndex(); // returns 0;
buddy.getAnimalIndex(); // returns 0;

kitty.getSpeciesIndex(); // returns 0;
kitty.getAnimalIndex(); // returns 1;

oliver.getSpeciesIndex(); // returns 1;
oliver.getAnimalIndex(); // returns 2;

我提供这个 javascript 编码约定只是作为维护有组织的面向对象结构的一种手段。我不吹嘘这种编码风格的性能优于其他约定,但如果你想从你的代码中获得性能,我强烈建议使用谷歌的 Closure Compiler,它会优化同样的。

我从自己多年的编码经验和对他人代码的同化中获得了这种 javascript 编码风格。我发誓它的稳健性和模块化,并欢迎任何关于其他方面的评论。

于 2012-09-10T22:03:53.513 回答


function subObject(oName)
    var myName = oName;
    this.myName = "My Secret SubName!";


subObject.prototype.revealName  = function()
    console.info("My Property Name is: " + this.myName);
    console.info("OK, my real name is: " + myName + ", yeah and we also say: " + global);


function subObject(oName)
    var myName = oName;
    this.myName = "My Secret SubName!";

    subObject.revealName  = function()
        console.info("My Property Name is: " + this.myName);
        console.info("OK, my real name is: " + myName + ", yeah and we also say: " + global);
于 2012-09-10T20:24:02.650 回答

Blake 的回答启发了我,但我发现它并没有做我想做的一切,所以我对它进行了修改,直到我有一些东西以简单而优雅的语法涵盖了 C++ 的大部分 OOP 特性。


  • 多重继承
  • 纯虚函数
  • 朋友班

有关示例和认真的自述文件,请参见 github 存储库:

于 2013-07-21T23:29:51.740 回答