我正在尝试使用 Java 和 OpenGL 制作某种 3D 编辑器。现在我正在实现 3D 编辑器的基本功能,例如围绕特定位置旋转相机和缩放。接下来我想做一个 3D Picking,用鼠标在 3D 空间中选择对象、线和顶点。我认为这会很容易,因为当相机对焦时我已经可以选择对象。


在 Class Camera 中有这个方法:

    public boolean isVecInFocus(Vec3 vec) {

    //returns the distance between camera and target

    float c = new Vec3(posX,posY,posZ).getDistanceTo(vec);

    // returns a Vector by drawing an imiginary line with the length of c and the position and rotation of the camera

    Vec3 target = getFocusedPoint(c);

    //checks if the calculated Vector is near to the target

    if(target.x > vec.x - 0.05f && target.x < vec.x + 0.05f && target.y > vec.y - 0.05f && target.y < vec.y + 0.05f && target.z > vec.z - 0.05f && target.z < vec.z + 0.05f) {

        return true;
    } else {

        return false;


    //Mouse positions
    float mX = Mouse.getX();
    float mY = Mouse.getY();

    //My test Vector
    Vec3 vec = new Vec3(-5,5,-8);

    //Camera Position
    Vec3 camV = new Vec3(cam.getPosX(),cam.getPosY(),cam.getPosZ());

    //Distance from Test Vector to Camera
    float c = camV.getDistanceTo(vec);

    //Calculating of the aspect between width and height (Because fov_x and fov_y are different because of the Screen Resolution, I think)
    float aspect = (float) sb.getDisplayWidth() / (float) sb.getDisplayHeight();

    //Normal fov refers to fov_y, so here is the fov_x
    float fovx = cam.fov * aspect;

    //Changing the Rotations to calculate the target Vector with the values of the Mouse position and rotations , not the Camera
    float rotY = cam.getRotationY() + (fovx / (float) sb.getDisplayWidth()) * (mX) - (fovx / 2F);
    float rotX = cam.getRotationX() + (cam.fov / (float) sb.getDisplayHeight()) * ((float) sb.getDisplayHeight() - mY) - (cam.fov / 2F);

    //Calculating the target Vector with simple Math ...

    double xDis = c * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotY)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotX));
    double yDis = c * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotX));
    double zDis = c * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotY)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotX));

    float posX = (float) (camV.x + xDis);
    float posY = (float) (camV.y - yDis);
    float posZ = (float) (camV.z - zDis);

    Vec3 target = new Vec3(posX,posY,posZ);

    //Check if the target Vector and the Test Vector are the same.

如果我使用此代码,并将鼠标指向测试向量,则结果不正确。Point 的精度越低,Screen-middle 和 Mouse position 之间的差异越大。

我认为它与OpenGL Perspective有关,但我不确定......


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