Long time reader, first time poster, so please forgive what could be a stupid question...

I have a table in my database (I'm creating a Basketball Fantasy Keeper League Draft) that has the order of the draft (pick number, GM nominated to make that pick, picked player, the time the pick was made [there's a 12hr draft window] and whether the pick is a keeper pick or not) so what I'm trying to do is detect if the next pick is a keeper pick and if it is, run a few more queries, etc etc. I can do it if there is only ONE keeper pick where a GM would normally make a selection, but what happens if there are 2 or more keeper picks in a row?

So instead of doing a bunch of nested IF statements where I run a query selecting the next pick from the table and checking if it's a keeper pick or not 3 or 4 times (see below):

$query1Counter = "SELECT counterID FROM draftCounter";


if ($livePickCount != "") {
    //Do stuff then:
    //run $query1Counter again, then:

    if ($livePickCount != "") {
        //Do stuff then:
        //run $query1Counter again

        if ($livePickCount != "") {
            //Do stuff then:
            //run $query1Counter again

I was hoping that I could pull ALL the results from the table like:

query = SELECT * FROM keeperLeagueDraftOrder;

pull out the specific column value like:


and then, since it's either 1 for a Keeper Pick and 0 for a normal pick, possibly do a loop like:

WHILE $keeperPick=1 {
    //Do all the stuff that would skip the row here

So that it loops in case there are 2 or more Keeper pics in a row, otherwise, once it gets to the first value where keeperPick==0, then it goes about it's normal business.

My problem is that I'm not a proper programmer and am only fudging my way through this stuff by googling and copy/pasting and some tweaking where needed, and only used to really simple loops.

Sample table (where the first draft pick has been made as well as 4 Keeper picks nominated [no draft time]):

draftPickID  draftPickPlayerID  draftPickGM  keeperPick  draftTime
1            72                 5            0           2012-09-10 22:04:24
2            10                 3            1           0000-00-10 00:00:00
3            32                 2            1           0000-00-10 00:00:00
4            0                  6            0           0000-00-10 00:00:00
5            0                  1            0           0000-00-10 00:00:00
6            5                  4            1           0000-00-10 00:00:00
7            44                 4            1           0000-00-10 00:00:00
8            0                  1            0           0000-00-10 00:00:00
9            0                  6            0           0000-00-10 00:00:00
10           0                  2            0           0000-00-10 00:00:00

1 回答 1


如果您只是想从 keeperPick = 0 和 draftPickPlayerID = 0 的数据库中获取最低的 draftPickID,为什么不直接使用这个数据库查询呢?

SELECT * FROM keeperLeagueDraftOrder
WHERE keeperPick = 0 AND draftPickPlayerID = 0



于 2012-09-10T16:03:38.107 回答