我在代码的输出中看到了一个我不理解的奇怪之处。我在头文件中定义了一个结构。我在用户空间中填充一个结构,然后通过 ioctl 将其发送到内核模块。内核模块应该从用户那里复制它,然后报告用户存储的值。


typedef struct Command_par {
    int cmd;            /**< special driver command */
    int target;         /**< special configuration target */
    unsigned long val1;     /**< 1. parameter for the target */
    unsigned long val2;     /**< 2. parameter for the target */
    int error;          /**< return value */
    unsigned long retval;   /**< return value */
} Command_par_t ;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "can4linux.h"  //can4linux is the standard can driver that comes
                        //with the uCLinux kernel (where this code was originally
                        //running before this port to a desktop machine

#define CAN_COMMAND 0
void main()
  long ret;
  Command_par_t cmd;
  int fd;
  //set and open the file descriptor to the device

  cmd.cmd = 2;
  cmd.target = 9; 
  cmd.val1 = 8;
  cmd.val2 = 7;
  cmd.error = 6;
  cmd.retval = 5;
  ret = ioctl(fd, CAN_COMMAND, &cmd);

通过 ioctl 获取打开/发送数据的内核模块:

long can_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
  Command_par_t *myptr;
  myptr = (void *)kmalloc(sizeof(Command_par_t)+1,GFP_KERNEL );

  copy_from_user((void *)myptr, (void *)arg, sizeof(Command_par_t));

  printk("cmd = %d, target = %d, val1 = %d, val2 = %d, error = %d, retval = %d\n", 
         myptr->cmd, myptr->target, myptr->val1, myptr->val2, myptr->error, myptr->retval);

这是在 can4linux.h 头文件中定义可能的 IOCTL 命令的地方:

---------- IOCTL requests */

#define COMMAND      0  /**< IOCTL command request */
#define CONFIG       1  /**< IOCTL configuration request */
#define SEND         2  /**< IOCTL request */
#define RECEIVE      3  /**< IOCTL request */
#define CONFIGURERTR     4  /**< IOCTL request */


[217088.860190] cmd = 2, target = 1, val1 = 3, val2 = 134514688, error = 134514480, retval = 0

cmd 设置正确,之后其他所有内容都被扭曲了......看起来它只传递了一个 int 然后我正在访问我的结构之外的内存?有人看到我在这里做错了吗?


1 回答 1


问题是如何定义 ioctl 编号。这是从运行在某些嵌入式硬件上的 uCLinux (2.4) 到 OpenSUSE 发行版 (3.1) 的移植。我猜正在发生的事情是在我们幸运的较小的嵌入式平台上,并且 ioctl 数被定义为简单的整数:

#define COMMAND      0  /**< IOCTL command request */ 
#define CONFIG       1  /**< IOCTL configuration request */ 
#define SEND         2  /**< IOCTL request */ 
#define RECEIVE      3  /**< IOCTL request */ 
#define CONFIGURERTR     4  /**< IOCTL request */ 

足够独特,不会引起问题。现在我正试图在完整的 linux 发行版上重新编译代码,系统中发生了太多其他事情,我们的命令被践踏了。现在重新定义 ioctl 编号,如下所示:

#define GC_CAN_IOC_MAGIC  'z'       //!< Magic number - I guess this magic number can be chosen freely
#define GC_CAN_IOC_WRITE_COMMAND        _IOW(GC_CAN_IOC_MAGIC,  0, Command_par_t)


[220546.535115] cmd = 2, target = 9, val1 = 8, val2 = 7, error = 6, retval = 5

如果有人能给我一个比“践踏”更好的答案,我很乐意对这个问题有更清晰的理解。另外,如果我仍然错误地设置了 IOCTL 号码,请有人纠正我。

于 2012-09-10T16:17:16.767 回答