
#define SIZE 3

/***I'm trying to send name of each file in a thread and trying to receive their respective size in main *******/

void *doit(void *name)
        int *size;
        struct stat st;
        char temp_name[30];
        memset(temp_name, '\0', sizeof(temp_name));
        strcpy(temp_name, (char *)name); //type casted
        stat(temp_name, &st);
        *size = st.st_size; //calculated the size

        printf("File name is: %s\n", temp_name);
        printf("File size is: %d\n", *size);
        pthread_exit((void *)size); //exited from thread

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        pthread_t th_id[SIZE];
        int ret_val;
        int i;
        void **size[SIZE];
        for(i=0; i<SIZE;i++)
                size[i] = (void **)malloc(30*sizeof(void *)); //allocated memory to void double pointer
                if(size[i] == NULL)
                        printf("Memory not allocated to %dth member of size\n", (i+1));
        for(i=0; i<3; i++)
          /*****Creating Thread**********/
                ret_val = pthread_create(&th_id[i], NULL, &doit, (void *)argv[1+i]);
                if(ret_val != 0)
                        perror("Thread creation error\n");
                pthread_join(th_id[i], size[i]);
                printf("Size is %d\n",**(int **)size[i]); //typecasted and printed
        return 0;

在这个程序中,我在第一次调用 pthread_join 后遇到了分段错误。传递第一个文件时,我在 main.js 中获得了正确的大小。但是在调用第二个文件期间,我遇到了分段错误。使用 gdb,我了解到“**size[1] 和 **size[2] 尽管 malloc 为 NULL。但是在 main 开始时,我在分配内存时没有收到错误消息。这应该意味着内存是最初分配的。请帮助我该怎么办。


1 回答 1

    int *size;
    struct stat st;
    char temp_name[30];
    memset(temp_name, '\0', sizeof(temp_name));
    strcpy(temp_name, (char *)name); //type casted
    stat(temp_name, &st);
    *size = st.st_size; //calculated the size


于 2012-09-10T14:50:53.690 回答