我有一个 html 页面,其中列出了文件夹中的所有文件名和常用文件操作作为它们旁边的锚标记。当用户单击文件操作说删除时,系统会提示用户是否确定要删除选定的文件。它几乎可以完美地工作,但是,当遇到包含空格和特殊字符 ex:(My Track [Ezee's].mp3) 的文件名时,它会失败。是否有解决方法。任何帮助或指向正确方向将不胜感激。谢谢
<tr class="filetable_entry_alt">
<input type="checkbox" name="sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg" value="file">
<a href="/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg" title="sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg" class="thumb" rel="cb">
<img src="/thumbnail.wft?image=/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg&kind=micro&lm=1308828676000" alt="">
<img src="/thumbnail.wft?image=/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg&kind=micro&lm=1308828676000" alt="" style="width:150px; height:150px;">
<a href="/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg" title="sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg">
sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg
06/23/11 12:31 PM
1.76 MB
<a href="#" onclick="return confirmDel('/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg', '/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/?');">
</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="return confirmRen('/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/','sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg','/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/?');">
<a href="#" onclick="return confirmCopy('/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/','sample10 with spaces (ezee's).jpg', '/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/?');">
var selectedFile = 'noFile';
var selectedFile2 = 'noFile';
function confirmDel(t, p) {
var confirmDeltxt = 'Are you sure you want to delete ' + t + '?';
selectedFile = decodeURIComponent(t);
selectedFile2 = decodeURIComponent(p);
jQuery.prompt(confirmDeltxt, {
callback: confirmDelcallback,
buttons: {
Delete: 'ok',
Cancel: 'cancel'
return false;
function confirmDelcallback(v, m, f) {
if (v != undefined && v == 'ok') {
var form = document.forms.filelist;
form.action.value = 'delete';
form.data_file.value = selectedFile2 + "/" + selectedFile;
function confirmRen(p, f, cp) {
selectedFile = decodeURIComponent(p);
selectedFile2 = decodeURIComponent(f);
var confirmRentxt = 'Enter new file name:<br /><br /><input type="text" id="newPath" name="newPath" value="' + f + '" />';
jQuery.prompt(confirmRentxt, {
submit: confirmRensubmit,
callback: confirmRencallback,
buttons: {
Rename: 'ok',
Cancel: 'cancel'
return false;
function confirmRensubmit(v, m, f) {
an = m.children('#newPath');
if (v == 'ok') {
if (f.newPath == "") {
an.css("border", "solid #ff0000 1px");
return false;
return true;