我正在尝试从 Amazon 的 CloudFront/S3 服务流式传输视频。尽管我的文件名是正确的,并且状态为“NetConnection.Connect.Success”,但我的 NetConnection onBWDone 回调给了我一个“未定义”错误,并且视频没有播放或出现在舞台上的任何地方。连接报告它是成功的,所以我不知道问题出在哪里。这是我的代码:
var amazonCloudFrontDomain:String = "myCloudFrontDistributionID.cloudfront.net";
var amazonCloudFrontStreamURL:String = "rtmp://" + amazonCloudFrontDomain + "/cfx/st/";
var videoFileName:String = "myVideo.flv";
Security.allowDomain("rtmp://" + amazonCloudFrontDomain);
var client:Object = new Object();
client.onBWDone = function(e){trace("onBWDone: " + e);}
client.onMetaData = function(e){trace("onMetaData: " + e);}
client.onCuePoint = function(e){trace("onCuePoint: " + e);}
var video:Video = new Video(300, 400); // create a new Video item and set its width and height
video.x = 0; // position the video's x position
video.y = 0; // position the video's y position
var duration:Number; // use this later to get the duration of the video being played
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); // variable for a new NetConnection
nc.client = client;
nc.connect(amazonCloudFrontStreamURL); // set the nc variable to null
var ns:NetStream;
function netConnectionStatusHandler(e):void
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
trace("S3 Connected");
ns = new NetStream(nc); // create a variable for a new NetStream connection & connect it to the nc variable
ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStreamStatusHandler); // add a listener to the NetStream to listen for any changes that happen with the NetStream
ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, netStreamAsyncErrorHandler); // add a listener to the NetStream for any errors that may happen
ns.client = client;
video.attachNetStream(ns); // attach the NetStream variable to the video object
video.smoothing = true;
video.deblocking = 1;
ns.bufferTime = 5; // set the buffer time to 5 seconds
ns.play(videoFileName); // tell the netstream what video to play and play it
function netStreamAsyncErrorHandler(Event:AsyncErrorEvent):void
// trace(event.text); // this will handle any errors with video playback
function netStreamStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
trace(event.info.code); // this will handle any events that are fired when the video is playing back
switch(event.info.code) // switch statement to handle the various events with the NetConnection
case "NetStream.Buffer.Full": // when the buffer is full fire the code below
ns.bufferTime = 10; // set buffer time to 10 seconds break;
case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty": // when the buffer is empty fire, code below
ns.bufferTime = 10; // set buffer time to 10 seconds
case "NetStream.Play.Start": // when the video starts playing, fire the code below
ns.bufferTime = 10; // set the buffer time to 10 seconds
case "NetStream.Seek.Notify": // when you seek with the scrubber it sends a notify signal of the time
ns.bufferTime = 10; // set the buffer time to 10 seconds
case "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime": // when you release the scrubber ahead of the video that has been loaded, you get this error. it will jump you back to the last frame that has been loaded
ns.bufferTime = 10; // set the buffer time to 10 seconds
case "NetStream.Play.Stop": // when you reach the end of the video
ns.pause(); // pause the video
ns.seek(1); // seek the video to the first frame
S3 Connected
netConnectionStatusHandler: NetConnection.Connect.Success
onBWDone: undefined