我有以下用于复杂函数绘图仪的代码。它创建了复函数 f(z) = z*(z+5)(zv) 的相位图,其中 v 是鼠标指向的位置。如您所见,它非常缓慢。有什么办法可以加快速度并获得流畅的动画吗?只是指出我正确的方向会有所帮助。
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.1.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx;// = canvas.getContext("2d");
//The following functions convert pixel Xs and Ys to real and imaginary
//parts of a complex number, and back again
var pixToReal = function(n){return n/15.0-10.0};
var pixToImag = function(n){return - n/15.0+10}
var realToPix = function(x){return Math.round((x+10.0)*15)}
var imagToPix = function(y){return Math.round((-y+10.0)*15)}
//Storing the complex number a+bi as [a,b], the following functions add,
//multiply, and find the modulus of the complex number
var add = function(z1,z2){return [z1[0]+z2[0],z1[1] + z2[1]]}
var mult = function(z1,z2){return [z1[0]*z2[0]-z1[1]*z2[1],z1[0]*z2[1]+z1[1]*z2[0]]}
var modulus = function(z){
if (z[1]>0){return Math.atan2(z[1],z[0])}
else {return Math.atan2(z[1],z[0])+2*Math.PI}
//Takes a complex number and returns the RGB value of the corresponding
//point on the color wheel.
var complexToRGB = function(z){
var theta = modulus(z)%(2*Math.PI)
var Hp = (theta/(2*Math.PI))*6
var X = Math.abs(Math.round((1 - Math.abs(Hp%2 -1))*255))
var C = "rgb(0,0,0)"
if (Hp>=0 && Hp<1){
C = "rgb("+255+","+X+",0)"
if (1<=Hp && Hp<2){
C = "rgb("+X+","+255+",0)"}
if (2<=Hp && Hp<3){
C = "rgb("+0+","+255+","+X+")"}
if (3<=Hp && Hp<4){
C = "rgb("+0+","+X+","+255+")"}
if (4<=Hp && Hp<5){
C = "rgb("+X+","+0+","+255+")"}
if (5<=Hp && Hp<6){
C = "rgb("+255+","+0+","+X+")"}
return C
//a complex number
var v = [0,4]
//the function f(z) = z*(z+5)*(z+v)
var f = function(z){return mult(add(mult(z,z),mult([5,5],z)),add(z,v))}
//makes v the opposite complex number your mouse is pointing at,
//i.e. your mouse points at a root of f
function onMouseMove(evt) {
v = [-pixToReal(evt.pageX), -pixToImag(evt.pageY)];
makeFrame = function(){
for (var n =0;n<300;n++){
for (var m=0;m<300;m++){
var x = pixToReal(n)
var y = pixToImag(m)
var z = [x,y]
var w = f(z)
ctx.fillStyle = complexToRGB(w)
function animate() {
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
return setInterval(makeFrame, 1);
<body onload="draw()">
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>